2019 Final Concert Review: Ghost

I really hope I’m joking about this, but sadly I may not be. In which case, you read that right. This is my last schedule concert of the year; therefore, it is the last concert review of 2019. But it was a doozy and a highly entertaining one at that! A solid line-up of Texas-based rockers, Nothing More, opening for, as my co-worker described them, the modern 80s rock band, Ghost!

Nothing More opened with their most recent radio hit, “Let ‘Em Burn,” but also threw in the classic “Jenny” before blasting into my personal favorite “Don’t Stop.” They also played another favorite that just got its own video last month, “Fade In/Fade Out.” I really like this song, but is exceptionally sad, so I have to try not to cry every time I hear it! Lead singer Jonny Hawkins is as energetic as ever, losing his shirt halfway through the set and climbing up on their “scorpion tail” to annihilate some drums. Standing on that contraption, they closed out the show with a remixed “We Will Rock You” cover. I’ve seen Nothing More many times before, and they always have impeccable stage presence with pristine vocals to match. If you’re not listening to this band yet, you’re missing out!

After a very short set-up time, Ghost took the stage, incense and all! They opened with bona-fide hit “Rats” and the entire audience was feeling it. Ghost has such an entertaining stage presence and their set pieces are above and beyond. All in ordinance with their Satanic gimmicks, they essentially mock the Catholic church by making their entire stage set-up a cathedral. Very elaborate, and ultimately beautiful with all the lighting variations. Lead singer, Tobias Forge also entertained the crowd with about five costume changes, ranging from suits to cardinal gear, but all with his most recent mask at the ready. As always, the gang of Nameless Ghouls roamed the stage, and Papa Nihil made a sax appearance! I think almost everyone in the audience recorded that sax solo!

For me, the set dragged a bit in the middle, but I’m less of a fan than my sister is, so I mainly sat through that section. Tobias has a good rapport with the crowd, with my favorite interaction being told that the next song will “wobble your asses.” It did indeed. By the end of the show, the crowd was at the height of its energy when “Dance Macabre” and “Square Hammer” were performed! Overall, it was an excellent showcase for a band that is often made fun of for no real reason. Ghost puts on one of the most entertaining shows out there, so if you want your asses to wobble, go see them!