Extended Movie Weekend

I say “extended” as if I watched a bunch of movies over a four day period, but the sad reality is that I didn’t. In fact, it was almost normal. I only managed to watch four films this weekend, and while I’m a little disappointed in myself, the total of movies I watched in September is kind of ridiculous. Anyways, check out what I found worth watching with a little time off this weekend.

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Fargo – Season 4 Premiere, Episodes 1 & 2

After three long years and a coronavirus setback later, the fourth season of Fargo has finally arrived! And while I approached it with some trepidation seeing Chris Rock as the top billing, I still have so much faith in this season being as fantastic as the rest. They surely started off well! With the slight cliffhanger at the end of the second episode, it’s definitely left me itching for more. Without giving everything away, here’s a high level overview of what went down in the season premiere.

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Book Review – Killing Eve: Endgame by Luke Jennings

I have finally reached the end of the Killing Eve saga (in the written word at least) and it was quite a satisfying adventure. All-encompassing, I got to experience action, love, and all the dirty and grimy bits in between. Again, seeing as I haven’t watched the show, I do wonder how this novel stacks up to the adaptation. I would like to hope that they looked to Jennings’ original text for at least most of what happened, or at the very least, took each novel’s premise as a base for each season.

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Defending Jacob Miniseries Review

I keep chugging along through shows with my new Apple+ subscription, and next on my list was a show I was really excited about when I first saw an advertisement for it, Defending Jacob. Sure, it’s got everyone’s favorite Captain America, Chris Evans, and Downton Abbey‘s Michelle Dockery, but the premise just sounded so intriguing that I was going to watch it regardless of its leads.

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Concert Review: Bad Suns

Another weekend, another livestream concert. Actually, I’m saying this as if I’ve participated in a lot of them when in fact it’s only been my second one. While Anberlin was pretty great, I was very excited for and had high hopes for this concert put on by Bad Suns. I discovered this band back in 2014 with the release of their single, “Cardiac Arrest,” and I’ve sort of been obsessed with them ever since. Specifically their first full length effort, Language and Perspective, which is exactly what they were going to play through this Saturday!

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Book Review: Home Before Dark by Riley Sager

For some extremely strange reason, I did not read Riley Sager’s latest novel, Home Before Dark, the day it came out in June! What’s wrong with me?! I guess it’s better late than never. Just like all of his other efforts, this thriller was very satisfying. There were so many twists! Right when I thought I had something pegged, Sager went ahead and flipped the story on its head, but in a way that seemed completely plausible.

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Fan Art Friday: twenty one pilots

It has been a long while since I’ve drawn the Columbus-based duo, twenty one pilots, and quite frankly, that’s a shame! I finally knocked one out though, and I’m quite pleased with how it turned out! This one came from one of their SNL bumpers, and I’m surprised they’ve not been asked back yet to perform. Who knows though, the new season of SNL starts up in October and the band did release a quarantine-inspired song, so it seems promising! Anyways, hope you enjoy.

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Concert Throwback: Foo Fighters

You know who me, my sister, and dad should have seen this summer? The Foo Fighters celebrating the 25 year anniversary of their Big Red Van tour. With this tour, they were going to be revisiting the very same cities they played originally, and lucky for us, Cleveland made the cut! Sadly, COVID is going nowhere and neither are we. So to reminisce on what could have been, I tell you about the three times I’ve got to see the band.

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Arcade Fire Album(s) Review

As you’ve all noticed the last few weeks, I’ve been constantly listening to Arcade Fire. However, I was only listening to my favorite songs off the records, essentially from when I listened to them all for the first time. This means that not a whole lot was coming off of Everything Now or Reflektor, or even Funeral! The Suburbs was my first foray into the band’s work, and Neon Bible was a logical next step in my listening history/journey. While I do like some songs from those other efforts, I decided it was about time to give them another shake and see if my tastes have expanded.

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