Book Review: Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes

Over the weekend, I finally finished Hidden Bodies, the sequel to You, by Caroline Kepnes. I’d been putting off this book for a while mainly because I read the book very shortly after finishing the television series after it originally aired on Lifetime. I just felt like I wanted to take a breather before jumping back into the world of Joe. Based on how season one of the show ended verses how the book ended, I do wonder if the second season will follow Hidden Bodies plot at all.

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Awards Show Recap: MTV Movie & TV Awards

This past Monday, the pre-taped MTV Movie & TV Awards aired, and it was a pretty decent time. Sure, there were some cringe-worthy moments, but would it be MTV if there weren’t any? Since adding television in the same categories as movies a few years back, the categories just seem like they’re missing quality performances, but this is all about what the fans like, so I suppose I can’t be too critical. Either way, there seemed to be a nice mix of winners between the two mediums.

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Album Review: Bear Hands, Fake Tunes

One of my favorite alternative bands, Bear Hands, finally released their latest full-length album, Fake Tunes, nearly three years after one of my favorite records ever, You’ll Pay for This was ironically (or not) released on tax day. This album was a strong follow-up and I’ll certainly be listening to this in the pool all summer long!

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Fan Art Friday: Andy Black/Biersack, Black Veil Brides

Andy Biersack of Black Veil Brides fame is truly a jack of all trades. A little over ten years ago, the band released their debut single, “Knives and Pens.” Now, aside from being in the band, he also has a solo side project, which just released his second full-length album titled The Ghost of Ohio. Along with that release, a companion graphic novel with the same name was also released (definitely go check that out!). The man also acts and has his own internet talk show, The Andy Show! And at 28 years old, I have no idea how he can do all of that! With all that being said, I’ve clearly dedicated some time to drawing this extremely talented and good-looking individual. Enjoy!

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Album Review: Motionless in White, Disguise

I know I was slow to become a Motionless in White fan, and I credit my sister 100% – she’s obsessed. I also grew to like them after some chance encounters with the members; all of the guys were genuinely nice! It seems like they are constantly touring, so I’m always surprised that they manage to put out new music every couple of years. And it’s good music, too! Not a lot of bands can say that really. So it comes at no great revelation that the new album, Disguise, is a strong one. It’s very eclectic for them, so there is something everyone should like.

The two singles that debuted before the album’s release last weekend were solid, and would appease old and new fans alike. Title track, “Disguise,” was gritty and intense, much like most of their catalog. I was a bigger fan of “Brand New Numb,” as it was still heavy, but a lot more clean vocals which I’m a fan of from them. The rest of the album goes to all corners of creativity, most evident in the techno efforts of “</c0de>” (my personal favorite), and “Legacy,” which was a much slower paced song. For those die-hard old-school fans, “Undead Ahead 2: The Tale of the Midnight Ride” is a nice nod back to their first record, and my sister’s favorite, Creatures.

Like I said, there is a lot to like here in Disguise‘s ten tracks! I also appreciate that the band has evolved in small steps over their past five full length releases. If you change too much from one record to the next you’ll get ripped to shreds like Bring Me the Horizon, but bands get bored of doing the same old thing, so I think they’ve mastered the art of mixing their new interests with fans’ old ones. Bravo!