Steel City Con – Spring 2024

I’ve realized that maybe I need to start tagging Steel City Con with a season since there are three of them every year. Something a little bit different leading up to the first iteration of 2024 was a bunch of unknowns. First, the convention hall was going to get bought out by Hobby lobby and discontinued, but then the city stepped in and bought it, leaving the con at its home. The second wrench was the Double Tree hotel getting shut down just a couple of months beforehand. This really messed with their overflow space, but a semi-permanent tent helped soften that blow a bit.

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Fan Art Friday: Heroes’ Hayden Panettiere

It’s honestly a shock to me that I haven’t drawn Heroes‘ related actors more often. I sincerely doubt there will ever be another show to top it, or tie it (besides Hannibal, of course) in my lifetime. Yes, there’s plenty of amazing television out there right now and series I’ve never seen, but Heroes apparently aired during the most perfect time of my life. Whenever I see an actor from the show, no matter how small the part, I always point to the screen and exclaim to whoever is sitting closest to me “they were in Heroes!” before enjoying it even more than before. Now, something magical should be happening in April, and that thing is getting the opportunity to meet Hayden Panettiere at a local comic con convention. When I tell you that my soul almost left my body when I found that out, I mean it. I’m sure tears of excitement came to my eyes, as well. Now, just a couple more months before I have to control myself in her presence – I can do it! In the meantime, enjoy my latest drawing that I will surely have her sign (among other things).

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Mob City Series Review

I don’t know why this show never stood out to me during the countless times I’ve viewed Milo Ventimiglia’s filmography, but here we are! Mob City might not be something that would usually catch my interest, but I can watch a noir about gangsters here and there. It might help that these are real gangsters and that the cast is out of this world! Anyways, let’s dive in to this short-lived series.

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Fan Art Friday: Milo Ventimiglia/Heroes

While I’d like to lie to you all and say this fan art Friday is dedicated to Milo Ventimiglia, and Milo Ventimiglia alone, I can’t. It’s about his specific role on my favorite television show of all time: Heroes. And sadly, we are nearing its 10-year off-the-air anniversary, and that had me feeling a little nostalgic. This show’s four seasons aired during my years in high school, so I’d like to think it resonated pretty heavily in my life. Do I think this show would do better now? Abso-freaking-lutely! But unfortunately, after its one season reboot, I think it’s dead forever, so all I’ve got are the DVDs…and now two drawings of my favorite character: Peter Petrelli. Played by the gorgeous and enigmatic Milo Ventimiglia, I don’t think I could have loved a television character more. So for fun, these drawings are twelve years apart, and just like all snowflakes are different, apparently, so are drawings. Enjoy (oh, and watch Heroes)!!

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