Steel City Con – Spring 2024

I’ve realized that maybe I need to start tagging Steel City Con with a season since there are three of them every year. Something a little bit different leading up to the first iteration of 2024 was a bunch of unknowns. First, the convention hall was going to get bought out by Hobby lobby and discontinued, but then the city stepped in and bought it, leaving the con at its home. The second wrench was the Double Tree hotel getting shut down just a couple of months beforehand. This really messed with their overflow space, but a semi-permanent tent helped soften that blow a bit.

Anyway, the con itself was as fun as it always is from my perspective. Just going one day, I did find this to be one of the strongest panel days I’ve ever had the pleasure of sitting in on. I started my day listening to Juliette Lewis and Christina Ricci of Yellowjackets come together to discuss the show, and any other myriad of questions about their other career works. Both women were super nice, and I learned that this was Lewis’ first con! Based on her Instagram stories from the weekend, she seemed to be having a lot of fun! The next panel I sat in on was Debra Messing. Though she didn’t answer audience questions, it was a well-moderated panel that really showcased her love for Will & Grace.

Next in the panel room for me was the tail end of the 90210 reunion panel, which was just filled with a lot of humor and genuine friendship. Right after that was Rosie O’Donnell, and though I haven’t seen much of what she’s been a part of throughout her career, I’d have to have been living under a rock to not know anything about her at all. I’d say this is hands down the best panel I’ve ever seen. As a former talk show host, I’m not surprised she’s got the natural charisma and flow, but it was just so pleasant to listen to! She pitched a future Rosie show for this con and I sincerely hope they all follow through on that! Last up in the tent for me was a Thelma and Louise reunion with Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon. Geena Davis is a knockout. She didn’t say much, but you could see she was genuinely happy to be there. Susan was a spitfire, coloring all of the audience questions with really fun answers.

What I was most looking forward to with this con though was the appearance of Hayden Panettiere! She was supposed to attend the con two years prior, but filming for the last Scream movie got in the way. She made up for it sooner than I expected and I was hardcore geeking out waiting in line to meet her. She was very friendly, though felt a little awkward. But I was so nervous that I felt we evened each other out. I was there donning my Heroes t-shirt, with my Heroes phone case, and had her sign season one, an action figure, and a drawing for me before getting my photo with her. I’m lucky I didn’t freak her out. Overall though, dreams coming true. Also, before I left for the day, I decided to get my photo with Juliette Lewis. I’m a pretty big fan and she was super nice throughout the whole thing.

A great con! Though it’s usually not likely for me to attend the convention in August, the guest list they teased is making me feel like I’ll have to go. To be determined. But so far, off to a great start!

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