Fan Art Friday: Heroes’ Hayden Panettiere

It’s honestly a shock to me that I haven’t drawn Heroes‘ related actors more often. I sincerely doubt there will ever be another show to top it, or tie it (besides Hannibal, of course) in my lifetime. Yes, there’s plenty of amazing television out there right now and series I’ve never seen, but Heroes apparently aired during the most perfect time of my life. Whenever I see an actor from the show, no matter how small the part, I always point to the screen and exclaim to whoever is sitting closest to me “they were in Heroes!” before enjoying it even more than before. Now, something magical should be happening in April, and that thing is getting the opportunity to meet Hayden Panettiere at a local comic con convention. When I tell you that my soul almost left my body when I found that out, I mean it. I’m sure tears of excitement came to my eyes, as well. Now, just a couple more months before I have to control myself in her presence – I can do it! In the meantime, enjoy my latest drawing that I will surely have her sign (among other things).

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