Fan Art Friday: Milo Ventimiglia/Heroes

While I’d like to lie to you all and say this fan art Friday is dedicated to Milo Ventimiglia, and Milo Ventimiglia alone, I can’t. It’s about his specific role on my favorite television show of all time: Heroes. And sadly, we are nearing its 10-year off-the-air anniversary, and that had me feeling a little nostalgic. This show’s four seasons aired during my years in high school, so I’d like to think it resonated pretty heavily in my life. Do I think this show would do better now? Abso-freaking-lutely! But unfortunately, after its one season reboot, I think it’s dead forever, so all I’ve got are the DVDs…and now two drawings of my favorite character: Peter Petrelli. Played by the gorgeous and enigmatic Milo Ventimiglia, I don’t think I could have loved a television character more. So for fun, these drawings are twelve years apart, and just like all snowflakes are different, apparently, so are drawings. Enjoy (oh, and watch Heroes)!!