WandaVision Series Review

Well, well, well. After a whole year absent of anything Marvel, the fourth phase officially kicked off with their first ever television series, WandaVision! And the stars of this series? Wanda and the very much dead Vision…or so we think? I would suspect that it comes as no surprise to audiences that Vision is in fact still dead, and that this is just Wanda’s way of coping with her grief. But she does so in a very interesting…and morally questionable way.

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Awards Show Recap: MTV Movie & TV Awards

This past Monday, the pre-taped MTV Movie & TV Awards aired, and it was a pretty decent time. Sure, there were some cringe-worthy moments, but would it be MTV if there weren’t any? Since adding television in the same categories as movies a few years back, the categories just seem like they’re missing quality performances, but this is all about what the fans like, so I suppose I can’t be too critical. Either way, there seemed to be a nice mix of winners between the two mediums.

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