Album Review: Will Butler – Generations

A little over five years since this Arcade Fire multi-instrumentalist’s first solo project, Will Butler releases his next odyssey, Generations. The tone shifts throughout the record, yet presents itself as a cohesive package to the listener. I know that sounds confusing, but honestly every song had something almost incredibly different to offer yet sounded like the tracks were cut from the same cloth.

Back when Butler’s first solo record dropped, I was immediately taken by a lot of the catchy songs, so I was anticipating something similar even with so much time passing in between. In comparison to Arcade Fire’s latest endeavors, this had a more heavy rock base, but obviously not void of synthesizers. Still, the songs landed a more solid punch then you’d come to expect from his other moniker.

The opening track, “Outta Here” gives an almost space-like journey into the rest of the record. Now, while it starts off sort of ethereal, it eventually morphs into something somewhat chaotic but entrancing. That’s sort of the formula most of the other songs off the album followed and I’m here for that method! Filled with foot-tapping and head-banging beats, this album also had its softer moments, which were a nice balance at unexpected times. All toll though, my favorite song has to be “Bethlehem.” Side note: the video of that song is something Hannibal Lecter would be proud of, surely.

In interviews, Will explains that this record is his take on the world today, which is filled with chaos and pain. It also addresses what he can try to do about it. When you think about all that could entail, it makes you sit back and hear those lyrics a little differently. Just like Arcade Fire, he doesn’t shy away from controversial material or just even what’s going on in his life. What’s a person to do when the world consumes you with its non-stop terribleness? Process it. And Will Butler processes it through song. I’m sure many fans will be able to relate.

There’s no mistaking who Butler’s brother is, because there are moments on the album, where, had I not been aware of what I was listening to, I might have assumed I was listening to a new Arcade Fire track! Not even remotely close to an insult, just interesting. If you are a fan of the band or Will’s last solo effort, then definitely give Generations a spin (seriously cool vinyl available!).