Awkwafina is Nora from Queens – Season 3 Review

I get the sinking feeling this may be the last season of this goofy and hilarious comedy, Awkwafina is Nora from Queens. But not because it’s getting canceled. It felt to me like this could be where Awkwafina wants to end the story, but we shall see.

As with the other two installments of the show, Nora is a thirty year old still living at home with her dad and grandma in Queens. It a turn of events this season though, she actually has a steady job! Sure, it’s at a local deli, but she seems to like it and take pride in her work. I felt that this season more than others there were a lot of almost hallucination induced scenarios. Some of them were hysterical, especially one involving a therapist, but I was never bothered by their frequency. Of course, you couldn’t get through the season without her having some bizarre encounters with her cousin, Edmund, but they were always a riot. I particularly enjoyed seeing them spend a very strange trip in Iceland.

This season her dad seemed to just be scraping by, which is so unlike him in the first two seasons. Although he ends up getting engaged to Brenda, he loses his job pretty early on and can’t bring himself to tell her. I love that he does randomly get a job at a local music store, a place where his bachelor party ends up of all places! Don’t be nervous though, Brenda and Wally work through his lie and end up getting married in the season finale. It’s cute, a little surreal, and overall just great fun. I love BD Wong, so his appearances on screen always bring a smile to my face.

Nora’s grandma goes through her own woes this season. She feels like she can’t relate to all the other old Asians in the neighborhood, so she looks to liven things up a bit. She is absolutely killer as someone who saves a plant and ends up running a weed cartel – she just wanted to do something fun with her granddaughter! She’s such an outrageous person that I always laugh at what comes out of her mouth. She’s the hippest grandma I know! My favorite exchange of the season belongs to her and Wally when he tried to get rid of her, very brittle, step-stool. She ends up getting to eat a bunch of junk food because she couldn’t reach the fruit. He grumbles and leaves the kitchen muttering, “you’re one crafty Chinese bitch.” I was dying!

Overall, Nora ends up in a very good and meta place, so as I said before, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the last season we get of this show. I sincerely hope not, but I’m preparing myself for it.