Big Sky – Episodes 3 & 4 Recap

Alright, I clearly suck at watching this show in a timely manner, but I promise I’ll do better! Even though there is only one more episode of Big Sky set to air before its “winter break,” I still promise to have it reviewed on Wednesday! I swear it!

Anyways, where we pick up is with Cassie onto Rick’s creepiness, Jenny buying it, and Ronald having a disturbing sleepover with his mother. Cody is still considered missing, along with the girls. It’s unclear what’s going to happen with Jamie once it was determined she’s got a male anatomy, but hopefully they don’t get rid of her yet – she’s perhaps the most interesting!

Not much more develops with the adults in the third episode. Rick aggressively threatens Cassie which just strengthens her theory that he’s involved with the missing girls and Cody. And Jenny is also on board because she discovers that Cody never made it to the church he said he was going to. All signs point to Rick, but it’s Ronald that keeps getting reprimanded. Even by his mother, who senses that he’s caught up in something unsavory.

The only real action of the episode comes when the girls find a loose panel in the trailer where they’re being held captive. They get it loose enough for Grace to squeeze through, but the other two can’t make it out. Grace narrowly escapes through a sewage tunnel and comes out in a pond in the forest. She manages to find help but is thwarted when Rick shows up and shoots the fisherman dead. Grace realizes too late that he’s no good and manages to get two arrows shot through her leg before Legarski brings her back to the trailer. The other two girls also try and fail to escape from Ronald. Basically, they’re back to square one.

That square also involves an infection now. Grace’s arrow wounds are nasty, and she convinces Jamie to put maggots in it, and eventually Ronald convinces Rick to get her antibiotics. Rick also lets Ronald know that another syndicate is going to take the girls off their hands, which is somewhat of a relief considering the sisters’ disappearance is now all over the news. While Rick threatens Ronald, he lets him know he’s got an “insurance policy” if things go south that points everything back to Rick. We see a little later that this has to do with Rick’s wife somehow.

Meanwhile, Jenny and Cassie try to find the kidnapper at the truck stop by having Jenny front as a prostitute. The plan backfires spectacularly, and they don’t make any headway. They do however make one smart move this episode, and that is putting a tracker on Legarski’s car. They track it to the site where the girls are being held, but are unaware of the levels and don’t hear the girls below. Frustrating!

I will say, so far this show is intriguing, but there just seem to be some holes that are making this show a little ridiculous. The most glaring problem is the fact that the girls could hear Jenny and Cassie, but they couldn’t hear them? Doesn’t make any sense. Also, picking the first sketchy guy at the truck stop as “the guy” seemed to be an incredibly stupid move for two detectives. It also totally gave away their cover. I can’t imagine they’ll have any more luck at the truck stops going forward. Word’s got to get around to Ronald sometime, right? Also, if Ronald’s mother thinks he’s up to something bad, then stop him somehow!

I’ll bet there will be a decent cliffhanger next week, but I really do hope this show starts to find its rhythm a little better once it comes back. And again, how this moves past a first season I have no clue. I guess we wait and see!