Big Sky – Winter Finale Review

Only five episodes in and we’ve already reached rookie show, Big Sky‘s winter finale. That’s right, we’ve got to wait a whole agonizing month (my sister’s words, not mine) to figure out what the heck is going to come after that insane cliffhanger! More on that in just a bit.

A cliffhanger happens at the end people, so let’s review what went down the rest of the hour. Legarski is still pissed that his wife went dancing with another man and so naturally, he fantasizes about bashing her brains in with a hammer. Quite the opposite happens actually. Legarski uses this vision as a means to tell Ronald that after they get rid of the girls, he’s done in this business. Ronald is a little confused by this, and we sort of see why in flashbacks as Legarski recruits Ronald.

Cassie and Jenny are convinced that Rick is still the man behind these missing girls and they finally get some police man-power behind them. The women don’t need much more convincing when Rick shows back up to the barn for the third time that day, so they all show up, guns-ablazing…to an empty barn. Not totally empty though, as Rick is there just enjoying his lunch. He also gets to freak out when he learns that Cassie and Jenny stuck a tracker on his car. This gets Jenny momentarily arreseted.

Even though the raid turns out to be a bust, the two woman are positive that the girls were there just before. And they’re right! In the nick of time, Legarski had Ronald move the girls to the abandoned bar and get them cleaned up for “shipment.” Ronald has a real emotional moment with Jamie, but he ultimately follows through with the plan. While they’re all waiting it out, Cassie pays Rick’s wife a visit while Jenny is waiting on bail. She tells Cassie that Rick is the same as always, that he is the most regimented person she knows. This tips Cassie off that the bar is probably where the girls are, since she’s known him to eat there twice before.

When she shows up to the barn, Ronald is gone at Rick’s insistence, but Rick is in the basement making final preparations for the girls’ departure. Cassie definitely has the advantage here, but it’s become maybe a little more apparent why she never graduated from FBI training. She’s totally freezing about doing anything with her gun! That is until Legarski pesters her just enough that s he goes for a head shot. Karma’s a bitch, right?!

And that, friends, is where the episode ends. Talk about a lot of action for only five episodes! We’ve also presumably lost two main characters in the course of that time! I fail to see how David E. Kelly is going to find more content to fill out the remaining 11 episodes that were ordered, but I hope I’m pleasantly surprised! I suppose there could be a great deal of things that happen, but I am most curious to see how Jenny reacts to the shooting. Even though they are working together for this, there is still not a lot of trust there. We shall see!