Book Review: Fish & Chips by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux

Once I decided to keep going with this Ty Grady and Zane Garrett series, I finally decided to look up how many books actually make this up. It’s a whopping nine novels! That’s so great! Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux have somehow managed to work so seamlessly together to create entertaining and flowing stories that I can’t wait to keep reading.

And so far, the stories could not be more different from each other. Yes, the basic premise remains the same in that Ty and Zane are newly partnered FBI agents, but that’s about the only through line. Oh yeah, that, and they’re totally hot for each other. That’s obviously my favorite bit, but they write the stories in a way where it’s not just five hundred pages of smut. There is plenty of action and emotion to tie along with those hot under the collar chapters. I mean, if I think about it enough, this is essentially just fan fiction with fully original characters and I freaking love fan faction.

Anyway, in Fish & Chips, Ty and Zane are thrown last minute onto an assignment involving two antiquities’ thieves. Corbin and Del Porter are suave criminals who were meant to meet up with some investors to make a big deal happen over the course of two weeks on a cruise ship set sail for the Caribbean. Did I mention that they also happen to be husbands? Ty and Zane are more prepared to play these roles than anyone else at FBI headquarters are even aware of, but that doesn’t stop them from being nervous as hell to pull it off. In public, Zane has to be gruff and controlling, while Ty is hardly any more than arm candy. This is obviously a frustrating arrangement, and it’s unusual to be able to show affection for each other in public.

Behind their cabin door though, this is more of the vacation I think they had in mind for the last book, but better late than never. Only thing is, that two weeks is looking harder and harder to make it through alive. Someone’s got it out for the fake Corbin and Del Porter, and Ty and Zane can’t find their back-up team anywhere. It’s hard for them to know who to trust, so they better trust each other! There were lots of fun reveals in this novel and I like how much quality alone time the two of them got to have together. Ty is convinced more and more every day they are on this ship that he really is in love with Zane, and Zane is starting to feel things he’s afraid to put a name to, as well.

I can’t wait to see what the next novel has in store, and you can bet your ass I’ll be getting through all of these in a few months’ time. So look out!

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