Book Review: Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade

After seeing my friend’s gushing review about Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade, and she picked it as her monthly book purchase, I knew I had to read it myself. Her brief summary of its contents was all I needed to head to my local library and rent it. And I’m glad I did! This book has what I love about being a nerdy adult, but also coupling it with some very adult content and body positivity. What’s not to like?!

April may be a passionate geologist by day, but by night she is also a passionate fan and cosplayer of Gods of Gates (which to me sounds a little like Games of Thrones and maybe a little like Outlander). She’s always kept her private world separate from public life which was easy to do when she had a best friend in BAWN, who helped beta-read her fanfiction about her favorite pairing on the show, Lavinia and Aeneas. However, April is starting fresh at a new job, in a new city, and she no longer wants to be bashful about what brings her joy outside of the job.

So it all really starts with a Twitter post of her in her favorite cosplay as Lavinia. Sure, there are plenty of positive comments rolling in, but it wouldn’t be the internet if there weren’t some really ugly trolls spitting vitriol April’s way. She ignores this for the most part until she sees Gods of Gates‘ lead star, Marcus Caster-Rupp come to her defense. So much so that he even invites her on a date! While at first, Marcus keeps up his dim-witted persona on the date, April is soon able to break through a little bit of that shield and see a little bit more into the real Marcus. That’s what prompts her to accept another date. On the other end of things, Marcus seems almost immediately taken by April’s intellect and beauty. The pair hit it off from there and start dating in earnest.

It’s the love story everyone wants for themselves, and I personally have to thank Dade for giving overweight girls their due! We are all deserving of love, and a romance like we see on television. Also, kudos to Dade for not holding anything back in the intimacy department. Truthfully, those kinds of scenes I only read in fanfiction, so it was almost odd to see it in something so “mainstream.” Obviously, though, a novel might not be that entertaining if it was all rainbows and butterflies, and both Marcus and April have their fair share of secrets. Luckily, Dade doesn’t make us suffer too long. Communication is key people! Anyway, with all that, I really enjoyed reading this book. If you’re a fan of Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl, then give this adult version a go!