Book Review: We Know It Was You

I decided to regress on this last book I read, and went into the young adult genre. I also got it bargain-priced at a local book store, so I really can’t complain. We Know It Was You by Maggie Thrash was sort of all over the place and not in a good way.

The novel focused on two main characters, Benny and Virginia, but the view points seemed to change every other sentence sometimes, so it was sometimes unclear who’s point of view I was reading. Another strange thing about the book was its layout. Instead of chapters it was split up by day and time. That wasn’t necessarily hard to follow, it just didn’t really seem to add anything to the story.

Speaking of the story, it takes place at a weird sounding high/boarding school, and we start off with a cheerleader committing suicide. Sort of. Benny and Virginia are part of a “Mystery Club” at school and make it their mission to see if there was foul play. I understand this is fiction, but almost everything that takes place certainly wouldn’t happen in real life. Like probably not even a little bit. There was a strong focus on hypnotism which really freaks me out, so it sort of turned me off this book. I will say that it did pick up as it went on, but not enough for me to keep this in my collection (by a long shot).

In retrospect, the cover should have given away that this novel was going to be crap, but I credit a well-crafted blurb for luring me in! There are better young adult novels out there, so go find and read those instead!