Captain Marvel Movie Review

The “superman” of the Marvel comic world finally got her own film, and quite honestly, it delivered! Now I think I may have went in with the bar set a little lower due to other reviews I read and the social media reaction, but I was thoroughly entertained. And that is what movies are supposed to do!

Brie Larson plays the titular Captain Marvel, aka Carol Danvers. We first see her in action as a Kree on planet Hala on a mission when she gets over-taken by the “bad guys” known as the Skrulls. She gets escapes to planet C-53, good old Earth, where the Skrulls are still trying to hunt her down for a key memory she holds. While trying to figure out some 90s technology and contacting her supervisor of sorts, Yon-Rogg (Jude Law), she runs into Coulson and Fury.

Fury stays close for the rest of the film, and they pick up an adorable orange cat (alien), named Goose, along the way. With the help of some old files and some scrubbed up memories from the Skrulls prodding around earlier, Carol is able to find her old miliary flying buddy, Maria. They also determine that her old boss, Dr. Wendy Lawson, was actually an undercover Kree who was building a core to help end the war between the Kree and the Skrulls.

After some rather insightful and intense flash backs we learn that Carol was transformed into Captain Marvel from destroying the core to keep it away from the hands of Yon-Rogg! Dun dun duuunnnn! He’s evil! Ultimately, there is a big chase, lots of fighting, and some serious light-power from Carol Danvers before she defeats her foes and helps the actual good people, the Skrulls. We also learn that Nick Fury got his eye patch from Goose the cat/alien scratching his eye. A little anti-climatic if you ask me.

Things I loved about this film: Goose the cat, the Nine Inch Nails shirt that Brie Larson wore for a third of the film, the 90s soundtrack, and Ben Mendelsohn as the leader of the Skrulls (he’s the best!)

Other observation:
– The film itself wasn’t all that funny. Not that it needs to be, but that’s usually their shtick.
– Still got a Stan Lee cameo and a wonderful montage at the beginning!
– Carol is probably the least badass superhero name ever. Sorry.