Concert Review: Hawthorne Heights

Hawthorne Heights is an emo staple and I have seen them live so many times that I’ve simply lost track at this point. It’s got to be at least a dozen, and I know for a fact that I will be seeing them two more times this year. It does help that they are an Ohio band, but really these guys just get around a lot, what can I say.

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Steel City Con – Spring 2024

I’ve realized that maybe I need to start tagging Steel City Con with a season since there are three of them every year. Something a little bit different leading up to the first iteration of 2024 was a bunch of unknowns. First, the convention hall was going to get bought out by Hobby lobby and discontinued, but then the city stepped in and bought it, leaving the con at its home. The second wrench was the Double Tree hotel getting shut down just a couple of months beforehand. This really messed with their overflow space, but a semi-permanent tent helped soften that blow a bit.

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