4th of July Movie Weekend

Now, I wouldn’t say any of these movies were patriotic, but the holiday weekend did provide me with more time to watch movies! So for that, I am thankful – ‘Merica!

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Frameline Film Festival

In the midst of one film festival, I have managed to stumble across another virtual film festival! Well, similar to Tribeca, this queer film fest is also doing a hybrid of in person and at home screenings, which works out just fine for me! While I only picked out a handful of films from this event, they were ones that were on my radar from other foreign screenings earlier this year. I’m so glad I got the chance to participate!

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Tribeca Film Festival (At Home) – Pt 2

Another week virtually participating in the Tribeca Film Festival! I know I said this last week, but I’ll reiterate how pumped I am that I can participate in this festival. The pandemic may be good for almost nothing, but it did somehow afford me this opportunity. Especially now that things are slowly beginning to morph back into normalcy. Well, enough of that – let’s get to the rest of those movies!

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Tribeca Film Festival (At Home) – Week 1

As the world slowly starts to open back up, that means far away film festivals will once again become inaccessible to me unless I’m willing to travel and drop a lot of cash. Which, I’m not saying it’ll never happy, but for now I’m still glad to be offered a chance to partake in these awesome festivals from the comfort of my own home! Case in point: the Tribeca Film Festival! This is the first United States film festival that is taking place in person since the pandemic started, but they are still offering at home viewings of almost everything (except for No Sudden Move which I’m upset about). This festival takes place over the course of two weeks, so I’m splitting up my haul between the two, so here’s the first batch!

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Movies in Review

While not as ambitious as last holiday weekend, I still got a fair share of films in! Some were deserving repeats (in my opinion) while the remaining went back in time a little bit. Also, I’m pretty sure I found a new movie to add to my all-time weird list! That’s seriously quite an honor, because it’ll probably get brought up in conversation at least a few times a year. Anyway, let’s go!

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Memorial Day Weekend Movie Review

I don’t believe a single film I watched over this holiday weekend was in any way patriotic, but that did not make them any less enjoyable! Here we go with some high level recaps and my honest two cents.

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Army of the Dead Movie Review

Sadly, I was only able to get one film in this weekend. I mean, in exchange for less films I did get to see some friends for the first time in over a year and some change, so I’ll take a slow weekend for that. However, I don’t plan on that being the new norm! It wasn’t in the before times, so there’s no need for it to be now.

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Average Movie Weekend

This is perhaps the least amount of films I’ve watched in a given weekend since the pandemic started. I must admit that makes me a little sad. Sad because I love movies, but I suppose not as sad because I am starting to (safely) get back to normal a little bit. Either way, the limited choices in films I made this weekend were mediocre at best, but for the most part enjoyable to watch. Sometimes you can’t ask for more then that.

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MTV Movie & TV Awards

As cool as it is that anyone can vote for the MTV Movie & TV Awards, it also becomes painfully obvious that the general public just doesn’t watch much beyond Marvel’s catalog and Netflix young adult romances. That makes me sad inside, but I guess there’s got to be something for the average viewer. With that being said, let’s jump into the somewhat predictable results of the show!

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