Album Review: Will Butler – Generations

A little over five years since this Arcade Fire multi-instrumentalist’s first solo project, Will Butler releases his next odyssey, Generations. The tone shifts throughout the record, yet presents itself as a cohesive package to the listener. I know that sounds confusing, but honestly every song had something almost incredibly different to offer yet sounded like the tracks were cut from the same cloth.

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Arcade Fire Album(s) Review

As you’ve all noticed the last few weeks, I’ve been constantly listening to Arcade Fire. However, I was only listening to my favorite songs off the records, essentially from when I listened to them all for the first time. This means that not a whole lot was coming off of Everything Now or Reflektor, or even Funeral! The Suburbs was my first foray into the band’s work, and Neon Bible was a logical next step in my listening history/journey. While I do like some songs from those other efforts, I decided it was about time to give them another shake and see if my tastes have expanded.

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Seether – Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum Album Review

As I sat down to draw late this afternoon, I decided it was time give the new album from Seether a listen. I know it’s only been a little over a week since it’s dropped, but I felt like I shouldn’t delay this adventure any longer – and I was right to think that! Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum was a solid ride through the rock landscape for just over 50 minutes of my life, and I couldn’t ever regret it.

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Glass Animals – Dreamland Album Review

New music! Yay! And from a band I was highly anticipating new music from! A few years back, Glass Animals experienced some real trauma when their drummer was struck by a truck while he was on a bike. The recovery process sounded like a slow one, but luckily he’s back in full health and helping the band make music again! Really, it hasn’t been all that long since their sophomore effort came out, but that doesn’t make me any less excited about the release of Dreamland.

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Concert Throwback: Phantogram

These past couple weeks I’ve been jamming almost non-stop to Phantogram. If you follow me anywhere on my socials, and even here, I’m sure you already know that I really like them a lot. They are one of the few bands I’ve seen in multiple states (on purpose), and they are truly amazing live (and recorded, obviously). My first opportunity to see them was in Pittsburgh, and I’ve also seen them in Cleveland, Columbus, and Las Vegas at the Life if Beautiful festival. Each time was fantastic, but at the Pittsburgh show my friend and I were able to snag the front row and it was fabulous! I was also introduced to another great band at that show called Jagwar Ma (check them out!!). The Columbus show was also really memorable because I snagged a setlist and was able to meet the band and gift them with a drawing! One of my favorite concert moments of all time hands down.

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TBT: The Concert Series – frnkiero andthe cellabration

Since I don’t foresee any more concerts happening in the US this year, I figured I’d reminisce about the good old times, and talk about some older shows I’ve been to (which would be A LOT since this blog started even). On this first throwback, I’m taking us all back to 2015, where I got the closest to seeing My Chemical Romance I may ever get (but hopefully not, though). That’s right, in a little old venue called the Grog Shop, I got to see frnkiero andthe cellabration!

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Fandoms, Interviews, and Zoom Panels During Quarantine

Look, COVID-19 has prevented a lot of cool things from taking place this year, and I imagine it will continue to steam-roll the rest of 2020. This makes me really sad, as I’ve had to miss out on countless concerts and a handful of semi-local conventions. I look forward to these types of events because, if it’s not obvious, I love all things famous! And what better way to hear from, gaze at from afar, or straight up meet in person than at a convention?!

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