Comedy Show: Ken Jeong

Two comedy shows in one week! Hey, if the concert aren’t coming around, I shall laugh it out.

The opener for the night was a Korean man by the name of Kevin. As described by Ken, he sounded a lot like the Korean Gilbert Gottfried, and I wasn’t a huge fan. He spent most of his set talking about bidets, which got old after about three jokes. The second part of his act was how at the age of 42, he doesn’t really like having sex anymore. Meh.

Thankfully, Ken came out not too much later! He obviously spent some time telling stories of his time on The Hangover films, and he told jokes about his wife and how her last name is Ho, which was the premise of his Netflix special, I Love You, Ho. Still laughed, because why wouldn’t you? Ken also joked about his time as a doctor and his two-season show, Dr. Ken. I enjoyed him taking a little bit of time at a keyboard and singing some different versions of the theme song he had in mind for the show, but just didn’t make the cut. Also, a little while ago, Ken had the opportunity to host Ellen, so he re-enacted one of the segments, which was to give the audience the chance to ask his medical questions. It was highly entertaining!

Overall, there were near-constant laughs, and the audience wasn’t too obnoxious. I would say TJ Miller’s set was a little more enjoyable, but I had a great time either way! Go see comedy shows! Laugh! Enjoy your life! Or at least go watch Joeng’s Netflix special.