Although they didn’t end up taking the top spot this year, Don Broco did come in second place with three live shows (almost four, no thanks to a wedding I totally forgot about). Though I think I might have earned groupie status with them, as I saw them everywhere BUT my hometown. This final show was no exception.
Over the weekend I headed to Denver for the first time to catch up with a friend, but it just so happened that Don Broco was playing there at the Gothic Theater. It was a win by a landslide because of two things. The first was that the venue used to be a movie theater – how cool! And the second was that this was the smallest venue I’d be seeing Don Broco at this year by a few thousand. To ensure a spot at the front, but not the middle, I made sure to get there a bit early. I was maybe only there fifteen minutes before the doors opened, but I had the benefit of an impending winter storm to help keep the line short for me. Even a bathroom stop didn’t stop me from snagging spot far stage-left! I’m no fool, a spot in the middle of a Broco crowd wouldn’t have been good for me, so the side stage was perfect.
I did have to endure three opening acts who were all entertaining enough, but I had been up for almost 24 hours at that point, so I was ready for the boys to take the stage. But still, The Color 8 was probably my favorite of the opening acts. They were a strange bunch, but all of them were full of unique talent. I think they are probably on the brink of making it big. Next up was Issues vocalist and bassist, Skyler Acord dishing out some solo stuff. It wasn’t totally my cup of tea, but that man has some pipes! Finally, a band I think most of the crowd was maybe more excited to see was The Home Team. I have never heard of these guys in my life, and sadly, I was not impressed. The vocals were a little weak and all of the songs sounded exactly the same. But it sounds like they’ve had some serious traction in recent years, so I’m sure I’ll only be hearing more of them in the future.
Finally, when Don Broco hit the stage, my endorphins (I know) kicked back up and I was in it for their whole set. Sadly, Simon is still back home handling some family medical stuff, so the same gentleman who took his place on the Pierce the Veil/The Used tour stepped in again. He at least fits their energy pretty darn well. A lot of the songs from Amazing Things made the setlist, but given that it was the Amazing Thing Tour, I wasn’t too surprised by that. And given how much I love that album, I was certainly not complaining! They also threw in a lot of Technology hits, and only “Automatic” made it in from any of the prior albums. Someday I still hope to hear “Bad Feeling” and “Easter Sunday” live, but I’ll take any and all Broco I can get!
Their crowd work was amazing, as I had come to expect, and since this show was on Halloween weekend, lots of people in the crowd were in costume. Several sets of cat ears were thrown up on stage and worn by various members, which was honestly hilarious. At the end of the show, I think everyone from all of the opening bands took to the stage to help Don Broco debut the remixed version of their new single, “Birthday Party.” Similar to “Action,” I prefer the original version better, but it was so much fun watching them all interact onstage. Matt even got to come out from behind the drums for that one! The crowd was insane, but not in a chaotic way, and I was so happy I got to be there to experience it in a smaller venue like that.
I can only hope that this next year they get an album together quickly so I can see them again! And preferably in my home state! There aren’t too many dates on the tour left, but if you get the chance, you must go see these guys live – I promise you are in for a “really good time.”