Concert Review: Falling in Reverse

Somehow, this is my fifth time seeing Falling in Reverse and I’m only somewhat familiar with their setlist because of my sister’s incessant playing of their music in the car.

Admittedly, I don’t even know why I volunteered the knowledge that they were going to be playing nearby. I think it’s just the thrill of a concert and really, my sister doesn’t go to nearly enough of them anymore. I don’t know why, but some of these tours insist on having way too many opening acts. That means for this tour there were four. And while appreciate the fairness of all bands playing the same amount of songs, six songs apiece just doesn’t seem worth it. The constant loading and unloading of equipment just to only play six songs? Especially Black Veil Brides. I think as the band in the slot before the headliner they’d expect to get a little more stage time, but nope, just six whole songs.

I actually can’t believe Black Veil Brides didn’t shoot for a co-headlining situation, but they seemed genuinely thrilled to be on the bill. And who knows, maybe there’s a demographic at these shows who’ve never given Black Veil Brides a chance before. I mean, his vocals are impressive enough, but they put on a show with a ton of stage presence. I know the group of girls beside us were really feeling it. Aside from them, none of the other openers were that impressive. Bands like Dance Gavin Dance just aren’t my style.

To be fair, I have no clue if Falling in Reverse have any “slow” songs, but I can tell you that this set had none of them on it. Ronnie Radke, as controversial as he is, is really quite the comedian. I wouldn’t say he’s a showman in the way that most people think, but he knows how to have fun even if it’s only making him and a few people laugh. And I do give credit, despite all of the flames throughout the set, that man works back and forth across the stage never faltering on the big notes. I think any popstar can admire that. I was personally the biggest fan of their song, “Just Like You,” where my sister was most excited to hear “Losing My Mind.”

It wouldn’t be a show without the insanely popular “Popular Monster,” but that wasn’t ended the show. Instead, we got the elaborate “Watch the World Burn,” and their latest hit, “Ronald.” Overall it was a really high energy show, but outside of festival appearances, I’d be fine not seeing these guys again for a hot minute. Or my sister can find someone else to go with.

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