Dickinson Season 1 Review

Well, I got Apple + back in order to watch Sofia Coppola’s latest film, so I figured it’d be a good opportunity to a watch a couple more shows in their catalog. I wanted something somewhat comedic, and besides Ted Lasso, Dickinson was the next beset thing. I remember being intrigued by it when press first started for it, but Hailee Steinfeld wasn’t quite enough to sell me on it.

Man, oh, man am I glad I gave it a shot! This ten-episode, half hour comedy was delightful and full of interesting surprises! My favorite surprise was Wiz Khalifa playing Death. Yes, you read that right. While serious topics were broached on the show, it was all addressed with a sense of humor either dry or campy and it made every scene that much more compelling. It also takes the 1850s and sort of modernizes it. I’d say stylistically, it reminded me of The Great at times, but that’s only because it’s setting was so long ago.

The standout episode had to be the premiere episode, “Because I could Not Stop.” It combined a tone that was both fun and a little bit eerie. Plus it was a great way to set the tone for the whole rest of the series. It also introduced us to all the main players of the show, and how most of them wanted to tamp down Emily’s uniqueness, except for her best friend (and lover), Sue. Their friendship is pure and the best relationship on the show by a long shot. Although I did enjoy the time Matt Lauria spent on screen (Kingdom for life!).

Overall, this show really surprised me. It wasn’t too much of anything and for that I am grateful. If you want to watch one standout scene I recommend checking out the third episode’s dance scene just to see how truly unique this show was. Just like Emily. I’m looking forward to the second season’s premiere in January!