It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – Season 15

After binge-watching all fourteen seasons of the record breaking comedy It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, I have been eagerly awaiting the latest season to air. And approximately four weeks ago, it premiered! Airing two at a time, to an even shorter eight episode season, a lot of their time was spent in Ireland! Even though they were in Europe, they still managed to be their usual awful selves and cause all sorts of mayhem.

Before the gang headed to Ireland though, they did spend a little bit of time in Philly, and the first thing they did was catch us up on their 2020. I was straight up cackling at this episode, because all of the ridiculous stuff that happened in 2020 was in part caused by the gang. Mac and Dennis were responsible for the voting delay in Pennsylvania, Frank was behind that creepy hair dye dripping down Giuliani’s face, and Dee and Charlie helped make the iconic insurrection day costumes. I mean these are all awful things, so the fact that they wrote an episode saying they were behind it all doesn’t surprise me at all, but it was expertly executed.

The trip to Ireland is spawned by Dee trying to really go for it in acting, which leads the rest of the guys to hire a monkey in her place – hilarity ensues. When Dee announces she’s off to film something in Ireland, the gang takes advantage and tags along. While in Ireland they manage to tackle COVID, drive a tiny car, inhabit a creepy castle, get stuck in a bog, and Charlie finds his real dad! Mac also goes through a bit of an identity crisis when his mother tells him he’s not Irish, but Dutch. Who is Mac if not first Irish, then gay, and then a badass?! With that he heads to the nearest Catholic church to commit to only one man: God. There are a few scenes from that storyline that also had me cackling.

Somehow the Waitress is in Ireland, too and manages to both get the upper hand on the gang, but then ultimately gets screwed by them like she normally does. Other that her, the only other recurring character that pops up this season is Artemis, and that’s to help the gang do another Lethal Weapon take. Super woke this time, but just as bad. I loved that they decided to take another stab at this while still being super aware of what the world is like right now. Everything they would like to do they just can’t’ do it, and it’s results are ridiculously hilarious. By the end of the season though, the gang is done with their European adventure, topped off by flipping Charlie’s now deceased dad off a cliff at low tide. Sounds about right.

In all my excitement for the new season, I was bummed to learn it was only eight episodes. It was a strong outing though! I can only hope that we don’t have to wait quite as long for the next batch of episodes.