It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia – Season 2

I’ve managed to watch the second season of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia last week, and just like season one, it was a little bit vulgar, entirely un-PC, and hilarious. I always have to remind myself of when these early seasons aired, because I have to think that some of these early episodes might not have been made. Their comedic styling is something that a lot of people would understand, but there’s probably almost an equally large group who wouldn’t and be totally outraged.

With that being said, this season had the added bonus of introducing, Frank, Dennis and Dee’s dad played by the always delightful Danny DeVito. What a curmudgeonly man. But he fits right in with the gang, even if they don’t want him there half the time. He also decides to divorce his wife and moves in with Charlie. He also ends owning half of the bar early on to deflect from some prank gone wrong (bag of poop making a building with a gas leak explode – hilarious!).

Also, just like the first season, the episodes cover a range of taboo topics which I won’t delve into in detail, but again, titles alone will give most of it away. They covers things like faking disabilities, going on welfare, running for office, and making a terrorist-looking tape. Yeah. All that and more. So, if crude humor isn’t your thing, then by all means, avoid this show like most adults avoid responsibilities. If not, I guarantee you’ll laugh out loud, and often.