It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – Season 3

You’d think after three whole seasons now that I’d be used to the crass and borderline inappropriate content that’s coming out of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but you’d be mistaken. Again, I find it hilarious, and I assume the group of people who are offended by their brand of humor stopped watching after the first season (or episode), but I still find their topics of poking fun surprising.

Season three marks the longest of the show’s fourteen year tenure, so I was gifted with abundant cringe-worthy content, and I was so thankful for it. Just like the second season, Danny Devito’s addition is still an almost seamless one, and he fits in even more this season. Yes, he’s despicable as the rest of the gang, but he’s also got the funds to get them out of all sorts of trouble. That makes what they do so much more ridiculous. I also love that the stuff that they do comes with almost no consequences, or those consequences are completely erased by the next installment. I approve. We don’t need to ask those questions.

Just like all the episodes that have come before season three, this new batch covers even more unseemly topics like getting mistaken for a recently released sex offender, stealing cocaine from the mob, and trying to figure out if Mac is a serial killer (he was actually just dating a trans woman). These topics are so taboo now, that I’m shocked the only episode they’ve pulled off of the streaming services is where blackface is mentioned. Seems like they missed the part where they were condemning it.

Anyways, my favorite episodes of the season had to be “The Gang Gets Held Hostage,” where the McPoyles are severely messing with the gang. I know they will always be great whenever they pop up from here on out. “Sweet Dee’s Dating a Retarded Person” is a terrible name for an episode, but there is so much backstabbing that it’s wonderful. And the season finale, “The Gang Dances Their Asses Off” is such simplistic comedy gold. Inappropriate people, this show is for you!