Letterkenny – Final Season Review

Say it ain’t so! Just a few months ago, all of us Letterkenny fans were made known that this twelfth season would be its last. As with any show I’m obsessed with, this final season was bittersweet. I’m happy with how it all played out, I’m happy that they got to end the show on their own terms, but I still wish I could get more.

Spin-offs are fine and all, but not much can usually compare to the original. While I like Shorsey, that sentiment certainly applies here. Anyway, this final season made sure that all of its beloved characters showed up a time or two, but it’s hard to get everyone deeply involved when there are only six, twenty-three minute episodes at their disposal. Instead, Dary gets the primary arc of the season, marking that he’s been the lead of this show all along.

The season opens with an open mic night where the hicks and hokey players try their hand at stand-up. Dary does pretty well considering his performance at the talent show a few years back. But all of his pride is dashed when Katy roasts him a little harder than he can handle. That’s when he gets sucked into the world of the degens. At first he likes the attention and respect he gets from the crowd, but he soon remembers why the hicks steer clear of them. Only, he can’t really seem to find a way out.

Wayne is a true friend, and while he doesn’t get Dary out as soon as I’d have liked him to, the “rescue” scene almost brought tears to my eyes. As did the final episode. Everyone actually supports a party that the skids throw at the ag hall, so we get to see everyone congregate one last time as we get still shots of all of Letterkenny’s landmarks. “Over and Out” is an apt title for the end of this long-running comedy, and there is truly a finality in those last images. Wayne still ends up single, and it seems like he may be the only one who sticks it out in Letterkenny for the long run, but he’s what makes that town’s world go round, so there could be worse things.

I am truly going to miss this hilarious show. I am so happy I got the chance to see the live show two years ago – what a unique experience! If you haven’t given this show a chance and are fans of any long-running popular comedy, then I promise you will like this just as much, if not more.