Letterkenny Seasons 7 & 8

It’s getting down to the wire here! I only have two more seasons of Letterkenny left and then I’m caught up with the rest of the people who intelligently found this show before me. I’m kind of sad about it!

Wayne is officially engaged at the start of the season, although no one makes a big deal about it. Instead, Wayne, Daryl, and Squirrely Dan decide start a call in show called “Crack N Ag” to help other farmers with their questions. I’m surprised at how long they kept at this bit, but the calls were funny, especially at the expense of McMurray. There’s plenty of awkwardness this season when the group talk about some of their sexual preferences, and then again when Katy and Wayne participate in a fundraiser competition. That episode had me cringing and cackling. In the world of hockey, Tanis decides to get the old Letterkenny team back together for a new job opportunity. Shorsey makes a butt load of appearances (sans face) in these episodes, and I have to agree that his insults are the most vulgar, but top notch. At the end of the season in a moment of weakness, Daryl heads back to Quebec to get Anik back, but when Wayne and the crew shows up, Wayne finds Marie Fred cheating.

That leads to the next two episodes of the eighth season showing Wayne wallowing in his heartbreak. All of that isolation is worth it though when he finally comes out of his slump. This is the first of two instances this season where we see a lot of the characters come together to support someone. It made my heart happy. The hockey players are still searching for that win and I think this is the most hockey I’ve seen played on the show. Elsewhere, Stewart gets recruited by some city girls to take down the bad drug dealers so they can continue the vigilante work that Stewart heled implement a few seasons ago. In order to do this his needs to get buff and that transformation process had me in bits. Katy ends up with an American boyfriend who seems pretty shady to everyone besides Katy. Unfortunately, by seasons end, she too gets cheated on, but literally every character in Letterkenny comes to (I assume) beat this dude up. I’ll have to start the ninth season to find out!

A one off type episode that had me in stitches from start to finish was the episode titled, “Holy Sheet.” The Mennonites are back and their unintentional innuendos are never-ending. Daryl is sketched out from the get go, but Wayne and Dan are a little more open-minded…until they get to their farm. It really does all end up being more innocent than it let’s on, but that’s what just made it so hilarious. I hope the Dykes make another appearance in some future season. Really, all of the episodes made me laugh, but there were no specials this time around to pad the seasons. Those episodes are always my favorite so I was sad for their absence. I did just see a preview for an upcoming special, so I have something to look forward to after I cruise through the final two seasons.

Again, Letterkenny is hysterical and I’m so mad at myself for sitting on this show for so long. On the other hand, I’m going to be bummed when I have to wait a whole year for a new season. If you haven’t started watching this show yet, what are you waiting for?!