Letterkenny Seasons 9 &10

I’m current, people! I repeat: I’m current with Letterkenny! That makes me both happy and sad. In all truthfulness though, it’s great timing given that I’m going to see their live show in just under a month. Gives me a chance to digest it’s awesomeness.

The ninth season picks up in the aftermath of all of Letterkenny beating the crap out of Dierks, who was caught cheating on Katy. They appear to all be out for brunch, and it’s kind of weird seeing them all inhabit the same space, but that happens a lot more over the course of these last two seasons. After the experience of getting her heart crushed, Katy decides to go “scorched earth” and go on tons of dates with dudes in Letterkenny. Kind of unsurprising that not many are up to snuff. Wayne meanwhile, is strengthening his relationship with Rosie who seems to fit in quite well with the core group of hicks. That’s something I think Letterkenny is really good at. Slowly incorporating new characters into the inner circle. It also helps that Rosie seems like a genuinely nice person. She also matches Wayne’s social awkwardness for the most part.

At the end of the season I was glad to see Tanis again. She’d decided to start her own energy drink and ends up with a girlfriend, too. In the tenth season, everyone gets to beat up Dierks again when he shows up at Modean’s. More people from the past of Letterkenny show up this season, too. For instance, Wayne and McMurray help Marie-Fred buy a truck, and then later on in the seasons the Dyck’s are back! It’s crazy to me how many innuendos still exist for them to use. It’s as wildly hilarious and uncomfortable as the first two interactions with the Dycks, and I loved it. Something kind of odd that happened this season was that two episodes didn’t have Squirrely Dan in them, and one didn’t have Daryl. I didn’t know that was a possibility for this show, but they largely focused on other characters. Still strange though.

These two seasons also blessed me with two more of my favorite episodes. In the ninth season the “Sleepover” episode wasn’t overly funny compared to other episodes, but I liked how it focused on pockets of characters. Who knew that Gail, Bonnie, and Rosie made a great trio?! And some secrets were shared in this episode, too, so that made it fun. In the tenth season I’d be a fool not to love the “Prostate” episode. Yep, the guys of Letterkenny need to get a head to toe physical by the new doc in town and they are not looking forward to a finger up the bum. The stages that this episode went through had me in stitches, and then leave it to Tanis to tell the guys they need to grow a pair while also explaining the pap smear process in startlingly accurate detail. Hilarious!

I also managed to finish this season right before a new special dropped! The folks of Letterkenny celebrated International Women’s Day. The women all participated in an Anti-Beauty Pageant, and I think it should come as no surprise that Mrs. McMurray took the top prize there. Meanwhile, the dudes of Letterkenny get a lesson from Professor Tricia. Squirrely Dan was gold in these scenes, but I especially loved both how excited Wayne got about Daryl picking Bondar (fun call back to a prior season), and then how emotional he got when he picked Katy as the woman he admires most. But with that special, I am now at the end, and at the mercy of time for when new seasons drop. Luckily, I have the live show to look forward to, and hopefully that Shorsey spinoff is coming sooner rather than later!