Mr. Robot Season 4, Episode 9 “Conflict”

Last night’s ninth episode of Mr. Robot saw the conclusion of what they’ve essentially been building towards for the entire season. Now just because the hack worked, doesn’t mean there won’t be any fallout.

But before all that hacking happened, we are brought back to that meeting room which has Elliot’s mother and his younger self seated at the table. Mr. Robot enters where he gets into a disagreement about when Elliot should be introduced to the “other one.” His mother says now, young Elliot says just show him everything so he can be alright, but Mr. Robot says he’s not ready yet. He promises that after the hack is when he’ll “show Elliot what he did.”

To protect Elliot further, he shows up to help Darlene with the hack, and she is not happy about it. Price shows up before the meeting to hand them a thumb drive which contains Whiterose’s project. He tells them to destroy it after the hack because it was what Angela wanted. They then watch as Price crosses the street to attend the Deus Group meeting. Except no one else is there besides Zhang. Sensing that they are being duped, Mr. Robot sends Darlene to the real meeting location by herself, while he stays behind.

Price gets to go out on a high note when he tells Whiterose that Tyrell won’t be showing up. This rattles Zhang and we see him in a frenzy trying to rectify the situation. Meanwhile, Darlene gets really creative in order to get all the Deus Group members outside so she can hack all their phones to get access to their Cyprus National Bank accounts. Then, after a nerve-wracking phone call to Whiterose, where she promises that Angela is “alive,” Elliot re-enters the picture and calls her bluff.

The duo are able to successfully complete the hack and rob the one percent of the one percent blind. They are all broke, and this enrages Zhang. So much so that she shoots Price, although I don’t think he was totally expecting to live either. We end the episode seeing Whiterose dress to the nines as the FBI breaks into her home.

With the hack complete and more characters dead, I still don’t know how Sam Esmail is going to fill even four more episodes! Although he just continues to surprise me. Side note: everyone is still assuming that Tyrell is dead, and I’m just NOT BUYING IT! I really hope I’m right. ‘Til next week, friends.