Never Let Me Go + Bonus Episodes Review

I truly did not expect myself to get through another Thai BL series so fast, but Never Let Me Go had me intrigued, and then I was captured by how good the story was! Sure, like any other BL, it has it’s super cheesy, soap moments, but this one didn’t manage to cross the line as many times, much to its benefit.

Neung, a rich kid who’s just celebrated his eighteenth birthday is crushed and fearful for his life when his hotel-magnate father is gunned down right in front of him. Now his mother (a boss bitch) is trying her best to run the company, even as her brother in law seethes in wait. But all of her time spent on work means that she worries for her son’s safety. Thus, she asks the son of her most trusted employee to look out for Neung. Palm, used to living a much more relaxed life on a fishing boat, reluctantly accepts the position and very soon finds himself with a big old crush on his boss. And let me tell you what, it has to be a big crush, because even though Neung shows moments of kindness, he is generally quite snippy with Palm.

It isn’t until Palm saves his life that Neung’s feelings start to really change. In that particular scuffle, Neung’s mother is put in a coma, but hiding out for a while is in their best interest. They flee to Palm’s mother’s resort, even though she left them when Palm was a child. It’s clear though that she does really love him very much and she adopts some motherly traits quite naturally over their time there. While on the island, Neung grows a lot by working hard and sticking up for himself. He also decides that he wants to try other things like dating. He enlists Palm for that task, though Palm is not even remotely unwilling.

Getting back to the real world of course causes some friction in the relationship, but they are ultimately stronger together. Even though we know Neung’s uncle is the bad guy for the basically the entire season, it never becomes a dull point in the story. Because while the main focus is on Neung and Palm’s relationship, there is always that promise of a threat nearby. As these shows should go of course, things get resolved as they should, though they still have some obstacles ahead. Those present themselves in the two special episodes as part of Our Skyy 2, but it ends up taking a totally random historical/supernatural turn, and I actually didn’t hate it at all. Like I said, it was so, so random, but the storytelling was great.

Overall, I really, really liked this BL. The plot lines were strong, the chemistry between the leads was electric, and the pacing was pitch perfect. I would like to see a collaboration between everyone involved here again someday, because we all know that it’s not just one part that makes something good – this show was the whole package!