New Music – Singles Edition!

While I don’t have hawk eyes on new music quite like I used to, I can always count on the artists I do like for putting out stuff pretty consistently. And oh yeah, KinnPorsche is the series that keeps on giving. Check out what’s new!

“Honey (Are U Coming?)” – These guys are still have their foot firmly planted on the gas! Not even eight months after their latest full length album, Rush!, they’ve released a new single. I mean I get it. You have to strike while the iron is hot! Although, I still think they’ll be relevant many, many years from now. Anyway, this new single is all rock, and as most of their other songs prove, catchy as hell. As soon as the chorus breaks, I’m taken back to the rock of the early 2000s and they are totally nailing it. Also similar to a lot of their music, the bass is front and center for most of this song, and as the kids say, it slaps. For sure worth a listen if you are a fan, but also take the time to check it out if you like rock in general.

Build Jakapan Puttha
“Be Your Luve” – I didn’t really know the full depths of the KinnPorsche cast and their connection to music. I still have a ways to go as far as my usual full-blown obsessions go. But I’m in luck because Build (Pete on the show) just released a new song! Sure, most of it is in Thai and I cannot understand it, but there are bits of English thrown in here and there, which helped me understand the general gist of the song. This thing had an infectiously catchy beat from the jump, and I think it perfectly tows the line between pop and rap. My opinion anyway. I will say that the vocals during the chorus don’t sound much like the Build I’ve come to know through the show and various interviews, but the verses are all him. I also love that there is some saxophone thrown in at the end (I’m still learning, but I at least know he plays that!).

Bad Suns
“The One I Used to Love” – Man, a lot of their track names are so damn similar. Ask me in a week for the name of this song and I would probably really struggle to come up with it. But I’d also likely give you the name of a song of theirs that totally already exists! Regardless, this song feels like a perfect transition from their 2022 album, Apocalypse Whenever. I think if they really wanted to, they could lump it in with the rest, but it is in fact a separation from what’s come before. As is par for most Bad Suns songs, this one is also catchy as hell and makes you want to dance (or at the very least shrug your shoulders). Towards the end there is a really cool vocal layering that I’ll be thinking about the rest of the day. I was curious what the band would come up with since Ray left, but I guess I don’t have to fear – good stuff!