Peacemaker – Season 1

After my cousin’s endless nagging, I have finally watched the first season of Peacemaker. Now, let’s get one thing clear. I was always going to watch this, but it just took me some time.

Anyways, the story follows Peacemaker after we see him get shot and have a building collapse on him at the end of The Suicide Squad. Turns out all he had was a bad collarbone. Something else all of that gave Peacemaker was an out from the rest of his prison sentence. That victory was short-lived however, when another ragtag group from the Project Starfish mission round him up and inform him that he works for them now. Evidently, this team has been given this shitty mission referred to as Project Butterfly as penance for backstabbing Waller. Another way she’s keeping tabs on the group, which besides Peacemaker consists of Murn, Harcourt, and Economos, is by having her daughter, Adebayo also join the mission. It’s clear she’s only doing this job for the money for her and her wife until one of them finds a new job, but she unexpectedly befriends Peacemaker pretty quickly.

The main objective of project butterfly at first is to kill Goff, the supposed leader of the butterflies. After they seemingly succeed in that mission however, it is revealed that there are tons of butterflies all over the world. Murn knows that in order to stop the butterflies for good, they need to kill the butterflies’ food source. There is literally so much that happens in between those two major plot points that I don’t have enough time to describe it all. Also, that’d be absolutely no fun. Believe it or not, but I went into this series not knowing much, so I was genuinely surprised by a few developments! Aside from all the action, I loved the crassness of the series, and I also really, really liked Peacemaker’s “best friend,” Vigilante. This guy is a sociopath who also comes across as totally innocent at times. He definitely made me laugh out loud on a number of occasions. And okay, Peacemaker’s best friend, an eagle named Eagley is also my favorite.

In the series we also get to meet Peacemaker’s father and learn more about how Peacemaker came to be. Let’s just say that Peacemaker’s father is a truly vile human being. There are plenty of things wrapped up by the end of the season, so it very well could have ended with this one, but HBO picked it up for a second, and I know there’s plenty of source material at James Gunn’s disposal. It also sounds like he’s got a number of other spin-off ideas in the works, one of which focuses on Waller. I know I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for anything that gets released. In the meantime I will patiently wait for Black Adam to hopefully not let down the live action DC universe. If you like John Cena or The Suicide Squad, then you should definitely check this out.