Phoenix – Alpha Zulu, Album Review

I think this might be the longest stretch of time Phoenix has gone without releasing a new record. It’s been almost six years since there last full-length effort, but now, after all that time, we finally get Alpha Zulu!

The internet told me a fun little fact that the title of this album was inspired by the phrase being called out overhead during some turbulence while lead singer Thomas Mars was on a flight. Gotta love that phonetic alphabet. Anyways, with a new album always comes the potential fear that it’s going to sound nothing like what you love about a particular band. Luckily, from my perspective anyway, this album very much comes across as a Phoenix album, with sounds from their past records making cool little cameos throughout this 10-track banger. I’m still riding on the high of seeing them live for the first time at ACL almost a month ago, so I was mentally ready for this record.

Obviously, prior to the album’s release, they dropped three singles. I only really earnestly listed to the title track and lead single, “Alpha Zulu.” That song killed – it was so catchy! Now that I’ve spent some more quality time with the second single, “Tonight,” featuring Ezra Koenig, it too is a hit. I love how subtly Ezra’s voice complements Mars’. He should also feel very honored. I believe he is the first artist to have guest vocals on one of their songs, and they’ve been releasing music for 22 years! I never had the chance to listen to their third and final single off the record, “Winter Solstice,” before the album’s release, but upon listening to it with the rest of the album, I thought it was a strange choice for a single. Not that it’s bad at all, just not something I think would appeal to the masses.

Now, onto the rest of the album! Sadly, this thing was only ten tracks, but they picked ten good ones at least! My personal favorite, that I’ve since probably listened close to a hundred times is “All Eyes on Me.” A “bop,” as the kids say. Truly one of the most catchiest songs I’ve heard, and “Alpha Zulu” made it’s way to the top almost instantly. “Season 2” and “The Only One” are both extremely catchy in their own rights, but not in such an immediate way. I’ve really enjoyed listening to those two on repeat, as well. The rest of the tracks are all very solid, but just lacked some of the appeal the other songs I’ve listed have. Still, a very strong album from front to back.

If you’ve liked any of Phoenix’s prior work, then you must check this album out. I can only hope I’m lucky enough to catch them on tour again soon. And you should try to if you get the chance!