Prodigal Son Fall Finale

As I’ve said the past few weeks now, Prodigal Son is really stepping up their game! And I hope with that extended episode order, they continue to soar!

This week’s outing was still a one-off procedural set up, but it ultimately looped the gang back into the investigation of the Junkyard Killer! Of course, that wasn’t done without pissing off FBI agent, Colette, who worked with Malcolm in the past. She makes it very clear that she does NOT like him. After forcing Dani to help fill her in on the details they’d discovered so far, she even tried to tell her to dump Malcolm out of her life! I honestly can’t wait to hear more about that.

Either way, the murder the gang is looking into involves a really by-the-book, and genuinely nice cop. They’re at first led in conflicting directions, where they first think he got involved with sex workers, and then they think it’s his old, dirty-cop partner, Shannon. While Shannon is angry with him, he claims he could never kill him. Shannon got busted when he was trying to find a clean-up guy that The Surgeon used to help him (aka the Junkyard Killer).

After stopping by an old storage unit, they find all of Shannon’s old files and realize that his partner was working the case! They also realize this is what got him killed. While looking through a list of names they come across a match and go visit what we assume is the Junkyard Killer’s blind mother. Turns out she’s evil, too! Shannon gets his throat cut and Malcolm gets whacked over the head before being dragged away. Talk about a cliff-hanger!

Elsewhere in the episode, Jessica tries to plead Gil into helping her figure out who the girl in the box is, but he denies her. She decides to take matters into her own hands by STEALING police evidence and talking to a hoard of reporters outside her home. That hoard of reporters? Courtesy of Ainsley releasing the interview with her father. And she feels no remorse! Jessica is right, she doesn’t know anything about what that awful time is like, and it’s a shame that she inadvertently dregs it back up.

Like I said, it’s been quite a good build up these past few weeks and I look forward to the comeback in January!