Roswell, New Mexico Episode 4 Review

Once again, last night’s episode of Roswell, New Mexico was excellent! And there was so much packed into it! Let’s dive on in.

Liz and Kyle are working full speed to find the out how to bring Max back, so that naturally means going to the hospital and sneaking stuff out of it. With the help of a sassy surgeon, Kyle comes to the realization that he still loves Liz and is willing to do anything for her no questions asked. So he finally tells Liz that once their experiment with Max is over that he’s going to need some space, and I don’t blame him. I’m also interested to see if Liz ends up developing feelings for Kyle again.

Sure, you’re thinking that would leave Max devastated, but it’s become even more clear this week that Isobel desperately needs him back in her life. Reeling from the poisoning she induced last episode, she’s been spending a lot of time at the diner. She explains to Liz that she’s trying to use her abilities on Arturo to influence his mind to accept that Rosa being alive is a miracle. But first she is going to need Rosa’s help to convince her dad that he deserves a miracle. He thinks he gave up her and that’s the reason she ended up dead in the first place. By episodes end, the Ortechos are back together!

Elsewhere, Michael and Alex are digging deeper into the life and death of his mother, Nora, in Roswell. In a series of flashbacks we see that the farmer who rescued the two alien women decides to let them stay. Over the course of a year we see that they’ve learned English very quickly. When a neighbor boy asks about Nora’s son she says it’s not safe for him yet. And it’s a good thing, too! Alex’s great uncle stages an ambush and ends up causing the barn to explode. They learn of these facts from Wyatt Long’s not racist brother, Forrest, who I imagine we’ll be seeing more of this season. Alex ends up giving Michael the piece of his control panel that he found in his cabin from Jim Valenti. He feels personally responsible for all the awful things his family has done to Michael and his mother for so long.

Whew! Like I said, it was another busy episode, but I say keep it coming! If they’ve got story to tell, then there’s no need wasting time with slow, filler scenes. I did think it was interesting that after the bomb that was dropped on Maria last week that we didn’t see her at all this week, but I imagine we’ll be seeing her again next week. Especially since it looks like Jenna got abducted this week just like Maria’s mother did a little while back. I can’t wait!