Roswell, New Mexico “Say It Ain’t So”

It’s hard to believe we’re already half way through the second season of Roswell, New Mexico! But believe it. And things keep getting more and more interesting.

We open at the bar, where Max now works for Maria, while Maria is busy trying to figure out her abilities of seeing into the future (and apparently the past thanks to Isobel). Micheal comes to the conclusion that the necklace Maria’s mother insists that she wears for protection is not from other people, but from her abilities. It seems that every time she uses them, her brain degenerates a little bit more, which explains her mother’s problems so much more. Maria is disobeying for now, no thanks to Isobel; however, she is able to dig into the past and finally see her mother.

Meanwhile, Max is trying to find Jenna (finally!), but Liz warns him to take it easy since his heart is still healing. While the two of them do some investigating on Jenna’s abandoned car, her missing sister, Charlie shows up. She’s convinced an organization has captured Jenna (there goes my abduction theory) because of the vast knowledge that she has from a past project gone wrong. Things get extremely far fetched, but Max ends up saving Jenna! And sadly, she doesn’t get to see her sister before she gives herself up to that organization. I hope we learn more about what Charlie knows in upcoming episodes, although it could be something that gets held off until season three.

Rosa’s hit rock bottom with her drug and alcohol abuse, considering she hallucinates an alternate reality, when in fact her newfound alien abilities cause a fire while she’s unconscious. Rehab is the next step for her, so we see Liz finally break down a little bit near the end of the episode. Alex tries to get closer to Forrest, but his abusive past prevents him from moving forward in public, and thus ends his new romance before it even begins. It seems like there could still be hope for the two of them in the future though. Alex also visits his father, who in sadness mixed some pills and alcohol. We saw him being somewhat tolerable early in the episode, but he’s still got a little of his old self in there. Finally, the biggest reveal of the night is that Michael’s boss is actually the little boy, Walt, who supposedly burned in the fire all those years back. That means he knew the pod-squad’s mothers! Can’t wait to see where that leads!!