Roswell, New Mexico Season 2, Episode 11

Even though there was only one week of no new Roswell, New Mexico, it seemed like a lifetime! For a host minute I had forgotten everything that happened! And then I was brought back to kidnapping of Alex.

Man, oh, man was Michael pissed about that! Good for him, chasing down the man of his dreams. He went on quite the hunt, too. Luckily, he came across Jesse Manes who claimed he also wanted to find Alex. Based on their history, Michael was still doubtful of Jesse’s change of heart, and it’s a good thing he was still skeptical! In meeting up with Alex’s brother Flint, it’s revealed that he’s the one who’s got Alex, but that Jesse was going to take him out if he was returned! Michael is livid, and delivers an incredible speech about how despite living in the most toxic family, he still chooses to love.

Also getting involved with Flint this week are Kyle and Max. They search his home to find a connection between Project Shepherd and the drug used to wipe Cameron’s memories. Kyle, however, was just given some pretty crappy news. He’s suspended and will likely get fired for stealing medical equipment for personal use. But Kyle has had such an emotional glow-up, that he’d let all that happen to protect his friends. Lucky for him, Steph still has a soft spot for him and is going to convince her dad to keep him on. In the midst of all this, Max also learns that Liz has been lying to him and continuing with her experiments.

Speaking of Liz, it was quite the week for her, as well. Last episode we got to meet her former fiance, and he’s still in town since the incident with ICE is still so fresh. He’s helping her out at the cafe, and Liz is flooded with a ton of memories from their time together. Honestly, I don’t get why she left this man. ICE does make an appearance at the cafe, and rather than stand down like Diego suggests, she unleashes some incredible sass and facts. What a personal roller-coaster this woman has been on!

Elsewhere in the episode, Isobel stops by the rehab facility where Rosa is at to drop off some art supplies. The two end up bonding over shared memories, and Isobel offers to help Rosa stay in rehab for as long as she needs with Noah’s money. Rosa admits that she gets why Isobel would like to know her mother better, but she wishes she knew her less. Turns out, a long time ago at a NA meeting, Rosa’s mother was there and revealed that Kyle was her half sibling. Yikes!

And as if that’s the only thing that makes her a bad mother! Michael manages to get Flint tied down, demanding to know where Alex is, and Flint reveals that was part of the plan. He hoped Michael would want to save Alex enough to go with him to a secret location. Who’s at that secret location? Liz and Rosa’s mom! Apparently she works for the government or military in some capacity. She threatens Micheal to build her a bomb, or Alex will die. Gah! That’s where the episode ends!

Only two episodes left in this season, and I for one am spinning with questions. Also, there are some seriously great story lines this season, while some feel a little deflated. Maria’s story just isn’t doing it for me, and she’s so sporadically included in the episodes. Even though Alex was absent this week, he was still a major part of the plot. I honestly hope something great ends up happening between him and Michael by the end of this. Sure, their shared history makes it hard for Michael to just stand idle, but come on. Also, Liz and Max’s relationship is truly awful. I guess in that I’m just saying that both of their characters rub me the wrong way. To each their own, though. Can’t wait to see how this wraps up!