Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Finale

That’s right, another one of my shows have dropped off for the year, and this time it was the CW’s Roswell, New Mexico. They sort of surprised me a little bit by dropping the last two episodes of the season on the same night, but I’m not mad about two hours of drama! Let’s wrap this season up!

Luckily, the larger pod squad wasn’t locked in Jones’ mind for too long, but getting out almost caused a casualty with Dallas. Shards of Isobel’s broken sword lodged themselves into his neck and chest. Yikes! Jones also managed to escape with an unconscious Michael in tow. That can only mean he has information he needs. Turns out, he wants to know where the Lockhart machine is because he wants to send a message. Well, that’s new and certainly can’t be good. Jones manages to get the location and leave Michael with a pretty severe wound. Luckily, Maria is back this week with some visions and one of them tells her where Michael is and that he’s injured. Obviously, Michael wants her to help him staple his wound so he can go protect Alex! That’s right, Alex is working on the Lockhart machine.

At Deep Skys’s headquarters, Kyle gets summoned to help Dallas, but he also tries to hard not to reveal to Isobel that he’s crushing on her. Probably a good thing since she’s dating that reporter. While they’re busy with that, Max goes and has a heart to heart with Alex after he’s told that the formula Liz and Heath are working on can separate Max and Jones but it would leave Max without powers. This stupid guy actually thinks his powers is what makes Liz like him…good grief. It takes a ridiculous amount of reassurance, but he’s ultimately okay with it. Liz and Heath really stumble with creating the right formula, and of course Jones shows up just when it’s complete. He’s got the Lockhart machine (without any harm coming to Alex) and now he wants the shot to separate them. He wants it because he thinks he’s going to be able to make more clones now. What he doesn’t know is that the formula has a built in buffer to allow them the chance to kill him before anything permanent happens.

Lots of fighting happens and Max and Jones switch bodies a bunch of times before Liz has to make the final call on who to shoot and kill. They are both pretty convincing, but Liz asks them a question that Jones knows the answer to, but he shouldn’t have given it. Liz shoots him and then he gets stabbed fatally with a piece of alien glass. All seems good, but the threat that Jones did “make a call” with the Lockhart machine still looms out there a little bit. But, it’s the end of a chaotic season and everyone is choosing to ignore it for now. Maria’s got Gregory, Rosa is going to New York, poor Kyle loses his chance with Isobel (for now), Alex and Michael finally go on their first date, and Liz and Max go to the ocean (it’s actually Liz’s bedroom, but close enough). All seems happy for the pod squad for now, but of course it wouldn’t be a dramatic show without a tease for what’s to come next season.

We see what is probably another alien, who meets up with one of Liz’s old professors. That professor happens to be the original Roswell‘s Liz, Shiri Appleby. I imagine she’ll play a key role next season, and whether or not we get a bunch of new aliens raining down on Roswell remains to be seen. Regardless of what happens next, I was glad to see everyone got a happy ending this season. It was an action-packed ride and I enjoyed the heck out of it! Hopefully we don’t have to wait as long for the next set of episodes, but in any case, we’ll definitely see them next year.