Ruth Ware – One by One Book Review

I’m obviously a big fan of Ruth Ware, but let me lead with saying that One by One might be my favorite of her novels! And that’s including her debut, In a Dark, Dark Wood! That’s high praise people. This is a murder mystery at its finest, a la Murder on the Orient Express, only it’s at a lush ski resort.

The book is narrated from alternating perspectives in Erin, a host at the chalet, and Liz, a guest on a business retreat. The company in question is called Snoop. Think Spotify, but with Instagram Live (sort of). People can listen to what you’re listening to right while you’re listening to it, and vice versa. Sounds really odd to me, but in the world of this novel it’s quite addicting. You can also be as private or as public as you want. That’s important.

Joining Erin as a host at the chalet is chef, Danny. The two of them have been working together for quite some time and are used to the kind of clients that Snoop definitely are. Which is arrogant, to be specific. You’ve got co-CFOs, Topher and Eva, who are both charismatic type-A leaders and both want a different future for the company. You’ve got Topher’s right-hand man and coder, Elliot, the money-man, Rik, and the in-house lawyer, Carl. Also joining them are other execs Tiger and Miranda, and rounding out the group are personal assistants Inigo and Ani.

Of course, don’t forget about Liz. While she no longer works for Snoop, she’s still a shareholder in the company which at this particular gathering could hinder or hurt these execs. Depending on whose side you’re on. It’s clear that Liz is uncomfortable in these people’s presence, but she doesn’t let much out in terms of backstory. With a massive snow storm on it’s way, the group first loses Eva, and then it’s not long before others start dying at the avalanched-in chalet. Everyone in the group has their own suspicions, but Erin and Danny are the most at risk since they don’t know any of these strangers. As things become more desperate, the group splits up and trust is tested.

Honestly, this book didn’t give anything away until it really wanted to, and even then there were a ton of surprises! I loved every word in this book and if you’re looking for a juicy thriller, then I definitely recommend adding this to your list!