Saturday Singles

That’s right, there are even more singles being released by bands that I’ve now determined are tormenting me by making me wait for their new albums, but also satiating me with new music. That’s right, Royal Blood and AFI have both dropped two new singles a piece off their upcoming albums, Typhoons and Bodies, respectively.

Far Too Near – Look, AFI have been around since I was born and they’ve played massive shows over the years, but they do give off a very indie vibe with their rock. Especially with The Blood Album and everything I’ve heard so far off of Bodies. This song is no exception. It’s still reminiscent of the sound off their last few records, but manages to stay fresh. I think this is the most I’ve ever noticed Hunter’s bass playing, but I definitely like it! Also, as soon as I heard this song it gave me immediate 80s vibes. Perhaps they could have toured with The Cure with this song! Either way, it’s wonderful and I can’t wait to hear the rest of the album in June.

Dulceria – This just might be my favorite song so far! It’s completely different than anything I’ve ever heard AFI release before and that’s just a testament to how freaking talented they are! The first word that comes to mind when I hear this song is funky and that’s because the bass line is front and center here. Jade’s guitar licks are sparse but effective, and Davey’s vocals are like butter. I loved every second of this song. And as if things couldn’t get better, there’s a music video for it! I feel like both this and the video for “Looking Tragic” were filmed, if not on the same day, then by the same person, because they both had a similar aesthetic. This time around though, all but Davey are sporting sunglasses and looking extra cool. Get this album out already!

Royal Blood
Limbo – To me, this song is like Daft Punk decided to go really hard rock, and that really works for me! It also helps that the video features a bunch of bikers who look like they should have been extras in Tron: Legacy. Similar to their other two singles, this song has a real groove to it that makes me extra excited for Typhoons to come out! Perhaps my least favorite of their singles released so far, but I still really love it, so that’s not necessarily a bad title to hold right now!

Boilermaker – Well, I thought it was going to be hard to knock “Typhoons” out of the top spot, but this track just did it! From what I gather, this song made a few live appearances before the world shut down, so to those folks, I am jealous of you. At least I should get an opportunity to hear this in the future! Right off the bat this song reminds me of Queens of the Stone Age’s “The Way You Used to Do,” and that makes total sense considering Josh Homme is a producer on this record. As amazing as this song is, the video is mesmerizing. Most of the video features a masked guy is just doing this strange walk with jazz hands and then his head occasionally changes out for a cocktail shaker or an eyeball, among other things. This song is infectious!