Season Finales: Brooklyn 99, Superstore

Due to my time at an all-weekend festival, I wasn’t able to watch the one-hour season finale episodes for both Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Superstore until yesterday. Before I get into the recaps, I can say both were comedy gold!

Brooklyn Nine-Nine started off the hour with the assigning of a serial killer case to Peralta and Boyle. In the middle of their investigation, Commissioner Kelly comes to check in and recommended they use their new HotClues app, where citizens can anonymously provide information on active crimes. Since Holt despises the commissioner, he tells the detectives not to use it. When a really good tip comes through according to Kelly, Peralta and Boyle act on it and end up catching the perp! When they go to apologize to the commissioner after they learn that the anonymous tip came from the commissioner’s office. He’s been using illegal wire-tapping!

In order to get enough evidence to turn him in, Jake turns to some of the nine-nine’s greatest nemeses: C.J. Stentley, the Vulture, and Madeline Wuntch. Together with the help of them and the detectives, literally everyone gets duped, but they ultimately succeed. The best thing about these guest stars is that their back and forth banter with the rest of the cast is top-notch and laugh-out-loud hysterical! It was a fantastic season and an even better season finale.

Next up was Superstore! I may have started watching this comedy because I missed Ugly Betty deeply, but I stayed because it was so awkwardly hilarious! This season took a lot of more serious turns, but obviously still finding pointed humor. Off the heels of last week’s episode, Sandra gets made into this employee activist. which is all fine and funny until corporate hears that the word “union” was brought up. They don’t think that’s funny, and since Jeff (SO. AWKWARD.) is at corporate now, he warns Amy and Dina that if they don’t get the union talk to stop they will shut down their store. Side bar: I am LOVING that some Ugly Betty cast members are making cameo appearances (I see you Ana Ortiz)!

Jonah is on board at first, especially since Amy finally has such a great paying job, but that stance is against his political nature. Amy still tries to shut the union talk down until she learns that corporate is sending ICE over to look through employee records. Everyone bands together to get Mateo out of the store, but eventually they are cornered and he gives himself up. As Mateo is being drive away and all the Cloud 9 employees look on in distress, Amy looks to Jonah and says “want to start a union?” Not an extremely funny finale, but definitely a pivotal moment. I’m very curious to what’s going to happen next season!