Shorsey – Season 1 Review

I’m ashamed at how long it’s taken me to watch this Letterkenny spin-off show, Shorsey, but I have, and it was glorious!

If you’ll recall, we last saw Shorsey headed out of Letterkenny towards Sudbury to join their triple A hockey team, the Bulldogs. Well, that’s pretty much right where we find Shorsey, although it’s right off the heels of a horrible 20-game losing streak for the team. That means the teams general manager, Nat, is ready to fold the team for good. This gets Shorsey in a tiz, so he promises to build a team that doesn’t just love winning, but more importantly, hates losing.

First, he enlists fellow Bulldog teammate, Sanguinet, to lead the team as coach. Next, he calls in four former hockey players, JJ Frankie JJ, and three brutes named Jim to round out the team. Their goal is to not lose any of the four games they have left in the season, and that’s including the team to beat, the Soo. Somehow this ragtag group of guys are able to pull out a couple of wins, regardless of how sloppy they are, but I’m most impressed with how much they act like a team off the ice. I suppose it doesn’t matter how long people are away from the sport, when you put them together, it’s instant comradiere.

Similar to Letterkenny, the quips are rapid fire and just as hard to understand, and since Sudbury resides in Ontario, there’s plenty of French to go around. Also, just like Letterkenny, the insults are top-notch and gut-wrenchingly hilarious. I had to pause the show several times to let my laughter die down and so I wouldn’t miss the next slew of insults. Additionally, I really appreciated how Jared Keeso and Jacob Tierney were able to create a show more intimately involved in the hockey setting without repeating anything used in Letterkenny. It had a high potential to be the Fisky, Boomtown, etc. group from the Letterkenny Irish.

Overall, I thought this short spin-off series was fun and a nice filler in between new seasons of Letterkenny, and I would gladly welcome future seasons of the show. Here’s hoping!

PS – the show also has a killer soundtrack!