The Blue Stones – Hidden Gems Album Review

For whatever reason, this band, The Blue Stones, keeps popping up, so I’ve finally decided to take notice. Several months back I heard a song of theirs playing on Sirius XM’s Octane, and just the other day I found out they’re playing at one of my favorite local venues this coming weekend. I may be otherwise occupied the day of the show, but it’s nice to know it’s an option. Anyway, with all of that in mind, I finally carved out a little bit of time to listen to their full-length record, Hidden Gems.

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Arctic Monkeys “Suck It and See” Album Review

Still plugging away at Arctic Monkeys’ discography! I’ve been really taking my time working through them because I really want to appreciate what they bring to the table, and so far it’s been a success! I also learned about an indie side project the band took on with the addition of a couple vocalists, including Miles Kane, called Death Ramps – how cool! I’ve see a ring with that name mentioned over the internet whenever I look into Arctic Monkeys or The Last Shadow Puppets, but the knowledge has finally come full circle. Anyways, let’s get into what Suck It and See has to offer!

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The Chats High Risk Behavior Album Review

Back several years ago, flipping through Sirius XM stations in my car, I stopped on Faction Punk to catch “Smoko” by Australian punk band, The Chats. Now, at first I thought it was a little rough, but I love an Aussie accent, and it ended up being catchy as hell! I never really looked much further into the band, but I played that song on the regular. Now, at least three years later, I’m finally giving their 2020 full-length debut, High Risk Behaviour, a listen!

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Arctic Monkeys – Favourite Worst Nightmare

Back at it! Now that I’ve thoroughly listened to Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not, it’s time for me to move onto the Arctic Monkeys’ sophomore effort, Favourite Worst Nightmare. Although it’s a sophomore effort, there was certainly no slump here! In fact, it’s sort of mind-boggling that the band was able to release something so strong in just a little over a year after their debut record.

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Arctic Monkeys – Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not

I blame popular radio for never getting into the Arctic Monkeys back in the day. Given that their first and second records came out in my prime music discovery time (middle school), somehow these guys slipped under the radar and then I only ever heard “Do I Wanna Know?” and “Are You Mine?” on repeat in 2013. That was too much for me. But here I am, many, many years later and I’m finally giving them a fair shake. I’d say it’s largely due to the fact that I’m obsessed with The Last Shadow Puppets. Something else I might be obsessed with? Arctic Monkeys’ first record, Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not.

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Album Review: The Age of the Understatement by The Last Shadow Puppets

How have I gone 13 years with never listening to the supergroup that is The Last Shadow Puppets?! I know there’s been a time in the past where I’ve seen the name pop up on Sirius XMU, but I never stopped long enough to listen. Well, it appears the Youtube algorithm finally peaked my interest enough to finally give the band a shot. Best click of my life? For now!

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AFI Bodies Album Review

More than a week has passed, which means I’ve been given ample time to listen through AFI’s 11th full-length album, Bodies, to fully appreciate its awesomeness. Not that I really ever had any doubts. And even though I was able to experience over half of this new release in the form of singles in the months leading up to the full release, there was still so much to enjoy cohesively about this record.

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James Righton – The Performer Album Review

At the moment I have a lot of albums stockpiled from last year to this year, and I am slowly making my way through them. On this bleak weekend, I decided to sit down and draw for a bit while listening to James Righton’s feature debut, The Performer. For some cool background, Righton was a member of one of my favorite now defunct bands, Klaxons (still holding out hope they will reunite). Another cool factoid about Righton is that he’s been married to actress Kiers Knightley for quite some time! Now that we know that cool stuff, let’s get to the review!

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