Fan Art Friday: The Last Shadow Puppets

Look, I held off drawing this as long as I could. Not because I thought it was going to be too difficult, but because I really only drew The Last Shadow Puppets like a month ago. I don’t want to come off crazy. Also, I do have other things I could draw, but this band has been on constant repeat since I started listening to them a few months ago. Who am I kidding, it’s a full-blown obsession! And I treat my obsessions with fan art. It’s the highest form of flattery I can offer. So with that, here is another drawing of Miles Kane and Alex Turner of The Last Shadow Puppets. I assure you, this will not be the last drawing you see of this band…not by a long shot.

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Fan Art Friday: The Last Shadow Puppets

I mean…I think you all should have guessed that this was coming. After being the latest to The Last Shadow Puppets party, I have listened to their two releases on repeat for the past several weeks, and I don’t think it will be stopping any time soon. Nor will the drawings. So be ready for that.

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Album Review: Everything You’ve Come to Expect by The Last Shadow Puppets

While I have been busy obsessing over this supergroup’s 2008 release, I’d be a fool to never check out The Last Shadow Puppets 2016 effort, Everything You’ve Come to Expect. And before you question me or yourself, yes, you are reading those album release years correctly. Approximately eight years after the first time they came together, they decided to go and make musical bliss again. And I’m here for it!

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Album Review: The Age of the Understatement by The Last Shadow Puppets

How have I gone 13 years with never listening to the supergroup that is The Last Shadow Puppets?! I know there’s been a time in the past where I’ve seen the name pop up on Sirius XMU, but I never stopped long enough to listen. Well, it appears the Youtube algorithm finally peaked my interest enough to finally give the band a shot. Best click of my life? For now!

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