Fan Art Friday: The Last Shadow Puppets

I do believe my love for this band in never-ending. The Last Shadow Puppets have only released two albums over the course of 13 years, but I hope me being this late to the party means that they are close to putting out a third (and hopefully not last) record. Watching old live performances on Youtube have been a joy and Alex Turner and Miles Kane are mesmerizing. It’s clear these two have fun on stage! In order to cement my love for them, here is another drawing. Fear not though, I’m sure there will be plenty more to come.

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Arctic Monkeys – Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino Album Review

I was perhaps the most nervous about listening to the latest album in the Arctic Monkeys discography. From doing some research, I knew this album was going to sound the most different compared to everything else they’ve put out, and Alex Turner is sporting a beard…why? Anyways, let’s dig into Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino.

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Fan Art Friday: Alex Turner

Sure, we can use the word obsessed right now. I think that’s fair. But I can’t help it! After listening to The Last Shadow Puppets and Arctic Monkeys near constantly for the last six months or so, what can you expect?! So anyways, since I just reviewed Arctic Monkeys album, AM, pretty recently, here is a drawing of Alex Turner from that time. So suave!

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Arctic Monkeys – AM Album Review

Alright, I’ve finally gotten to the Arctic Monkeys album that seemed to change the course of their career across the globe. Sure, they saw plenty of success in the U.K. with all of their previous records, but for whatever reason, AM is the one that seemed to resonate with the States the most. Now it’s my time to take a proper listen.

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Arctic Monkeys “Suck It and See” Album Review

Still plugging away at Arctic Monkeys’ discography! I’ve been really taking my time working through them because I really want to appreciate what they bring to the table, and so far it’s been a success! I also learned about an indie side project the band took on with the addition of a couple vocalists, including Miles Kane, called Death Ramps – how cool! I’ve see a ring with that name mentioned over the internet whenever I look into Arctic Monkeys or The Last Shadow Puppets, but the knowledge has finally come full circle. Anyways, let’s get into what Suck It and See has to offer!

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Fan Art Friday: Arctic Monkeys

Well, in this case, I suppose it’s only one member of Arctic Monkeys, but still. I’ve got a bunch of scrap pieces of mat board lying around my house, so I decided to make use of them with little miniature drawings. Since I’ve been wading through Arctic Monkeys’ discography, I thought it was only appropriate to show my love of their tunes with a little drawing. Expect some bigger pieces and ones of the whole band in the future, but for now, enjoy this multi-colored miniature of Alex Turner!

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Arctic Monkeys – Favourite Worst Nightmare

Back at it! Now that I’ve thoroughly listened to Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not, it’s time for me to move onto the Arctic Monkeys’ sophomore effort, Favourite Worst Nightmare. Although it’s a sophomore effort, there was certainly no slump here! In fact, it’s sort of mind-boggling that the band was able to release something so strong in just a little over a year after their debut record.

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Fan Art Friday: The Last Shadow Puppets

Look, I held off drawing this as long as I could. Not because I thought it was going to be too difficult, but because I really only drew The Last Shadow Puppets like a month ago. I don’t want to come off crazy. Also, I do have other things I could draw, but this band has been on constant repeat since I started listening to them a few months ago. Who am I kidding, it’s a full-blown obsession! And I treat my obsessions with fan art. It’s the highest form of flattery I can offer. So with that, here is another drawing of Miles Kane and Alex Turner of The Last Shadow Puppets. I assure you, this will not be the last drawing you see of this band…not by a long shot.

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Arctic Monkeys – Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not

I blame popular radio for never getting into the Arctic Monkeys back in the day. Given that their first and second records came out in my prime music discovery time (middle school), somehow these guys slipped under the radar and then I only ever heard “Do I Wanna Know?” and “Are You Mine?” on repeat in 2013. That was too much for me. But here I am, many, many years later and I’m finally giving them a fair shake. I’d say it’s largely due to the fact that I’m obsessed with The Last Shadow Puppets. Something else I might be obsessed with? Arctic Monkeys’ first record, Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not.

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