2020 Emmy Awards: Predictions

Awards season is back with the Primetime Emmy Awards this coming Sunday, and even though it won’t look like it normally does, my heart is still so happy that it’s taking place! Lots of great shows are getting love, but I believe there are a small handful that are going to sweep all the categories they show up in. Who knows?! Maybe I will get proven wrong. We shall see. While we wait, below are my predictions of who will win and maybe who should win (if I disagree). Let’s roll!

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Normal People TV Series Review

Well people, it didn’t take me long to knock out the television adaptation of Sally Rooney’s novel Normal People, and for that I am proud! This will be a somewhat short review because honestly, this might have been one of the most pure adaptations I have ever seen. Having twelve episodes to tell the story definitely had a lot to do with that. No small nuance within the book was overlooked and I think that is a true achievement. I imagine Rooney is very happy with how this adaptation played out.

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