Tribeca Film Festival (At Home) – Pt 2

Another week virtually participating in the Tribeca Film Festival! I know I said this last week, but I’ll reiterate how pumped I am that I can participate in this festival. The pandemic may be good for almost nothing, but it did somehow afford me this opportunity. Especially now that things are slowly beginning to morph back into normalcy. Well, enough of that – let’s get to the rest of those movies!

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Tribeca Film Festival (At Home) – Week 1

As the world slowly starts to open back up, that means far away film festivals will once again become inaccessible to me unless I’m willing to travel and drop a lot of cash. Which, I’m not saying it’ll never happy, but for now I’m still glad to be offered a chance to partake in these awesome festivals from the comfort of my own home! Case in point: the Tribeca Film Festival! This is the first United States film festival that is taking place in person since the pandemic started, but they are still offering at home viewings of almost everything (except for No Sudden Move which I’m upset about). This festival takes place over the course of two weeks, so I’m splitting up my haul between the two, so here’s the first batch!

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Army of the Dead Movie Review

Sadly, I was only able to get one film in this weekend. I mean, in exchange for less films I did get to see some friends for the first time in over a year and some change, so I’ll take a slow weekend for that. However, I don’t plan on that being the new norm! It wasn’t in the before times, so there’s no need for it to be now.

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Cleveland International Film Festival 45

After missing out on a live event last year, CIFF decided to take it’s festival to the virtual world by calling it CIFF Streams this year! Hey, no skin off my back. I still get to participate, and I get to do it all from the comfort of my home! Not as many titles jumped out at me as Sundance did this year, but I still made some solid and pretty exciting choices. Let’s get reviewing!

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Sundance Film Festival – Days 3, 4 & 5 Review

And they keep on coming! The Sundance Film Festival is a week-long endeavor, so that means while ideally I’d get to watch everything I want on the weekend, realistically there are some I’ve got to wait for. But they are worth the wait! Also, it worked out for me that none of these interfered with my day job! Another strong lot of films, so let’s get into it!

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Book Review: Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer

Back in 2018, Jeff VanderMeer’s sci-fi horror novel, Annihilation, got the Hollywood treatment and was adapted into a pretty well-received feature film. It also starred the likes of Natalie Portman, Oscar Isaac, and Jennifer Jason Leigh. It looked rather intriguing, but also like it might scare the poo out of me. So I skipped it. Recently, I’ve been seeing the title pop up on Hulu and I’ve been tempted to play it some nights, but I decided to give it The Haunting at Hill House treatment and read the novel first.

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Brand New Movies!

To be fair, I have been watching new movies, but to clarify, this weekend I watched a few potential Oscar contenders, along with some other new movies! This is exciting stuff people! With the Oscars getting pushed back to April, there is more time for contenders to release, which means I have to wait until next year for a good chunk of them. That’s why it’s exciting to get to see some now!

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Book Review: The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

Now that Halloween has been over for several weeks, it’s been easier for me to get my hands on some spooky novels! Also, ever since reading and watching the biographical but largely fictional, Shirley, I’ve found myself more interested in reading her works. I figured what better way to start than with her very popular, The Haunting of Hill House. Selfishly, I also chose to read this because I want to watch the series, but I have been too afraid to do so. I figure if I give it a read first it might calm my nerves about eventually watching it.

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