New Music – Singles Edition!

I feel like it’s been way too long since I’ve done one of these! Music felt like it came in hot and heavy towards the end of last year and now it’s all a bit quiet. Thankfully, enough has popped up over the past couple of weeks that it deemed its own post!

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Fan Art Friday: Omega X / A Shoulder to Cry On

Less than a week ago I spoke to Shin Yechan of Omega X! Would I have preferred it in person like it was supposed to be? Absolutely. But in the end that still didn’t take away my thrill at the chance to get to speak to Yechan. For being such a new fan I kind of felt a little like a fraud, but then you know what, no. I’m just as crazy about them now as I will be a few months from now. The only difference will be how much time I’ve spent looking them up online. I’ve already watched A Shoulder to Cry On a second time (and it’s just as good), and I can’t begin to tell you how many hours I’ve logged listening to their albums. The conversation was brief, but so, so great. And he was really impressed with this drawing! With how quickly it came together I am also lowkey impressed with how it turned out. Anyway, enjoy.

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