Best TV Shows of 2023

I don’t know if this is hard to believe or not, but I spent even more time in front of my television watching shows this year – 781 episodes from 75 different series to be exact. A lot of them were great, so you’re getting a top fifteen!

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Fan Art Friday: Bible Wichapas Sumettikul

It feels like there’s always something going on with the BL artists out there, and more specifically the Thai ones that I follow. I suppose the same goes for Bible, who was just in a music video. Really though, I just wanted to draw this extremely sexy shot from one of the KinnPorsche World Tours where everyone was dressed kinky(?). Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, too.

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Fan Art Friday: Wichapas “Bible” Sumettikul

It started with Jeff Satur, and now I am just moving down the line of KinnPorsche‘s visually stunning cast. Bible is here and he can stay. What I found most interesting in my spiral with this cast was learning that though Bible was born and raised and still lives in Thailand, he went to an international school and considers himself more fluent in English. Very cool! Anyway, loved the jacket in this.

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KinnPorsche The Series La Forte – Season 1 Review

Alright, I know probably nothing of that name makes a lot of sense, and it didn’t make any sense to me either when the Youtube algorithm presented some fan made clip to me. Well, the contents of the clip and a quick Google search was all the convincing I needed to give the Thai crime drama, KinnPorsche The Series La Forte, a chance.

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